Be prepared to change his class often. However, since he has an AOE attack, the Raider class is also acceptable. In War Defense, if Shang Chi has 3 or more Heroes for Hire Allies he gains up to 2 Charged. Security is a S.H.I.E.L.D. It also causes major damage against primary and adjacent targets, clear Deathproof, and flips Stealth and Speed Up on all affected enemies. Villain, City, Mystic, Controller, Hand, Martial Artist, Minion. Lady Deathstrikes ultimate causes up to 280% Piercing damage against the primary target after which it chain rebounds to up to 4 adjacent targets causing the same damage. It also applies Defense Up to the entire team and heals every member of the team by 20% of Red Guardian Max Health. If Misty has 3 or more Hero for Hire allies she also gains up to 2 Charged at the start of the War Defense battle. Kree team can be deadly in some Raids but unfortunately in Ultimus 7, it can be used only as fodder for the main team. minion who repeatedly uses taunt to protect his allies. The Astonishing X-Men Blaster from the future, Bishop uses his mutant energy powers to deliver devastating attacks. Elector gains +100000Extra focus for this attack in Alliance War and it cant be counterattacked. It also places Heal Block for 1 turn and Disrupt for 2 turns. Considering that Mercenary Riot Guard is a very useful protector, his price is low only 15 shards obtainable through blitz supplies, blitz orbs, milestone orbs, and premium orbs. Thor is the God of Thunder who deals great damage and weakens multiple foes. Groot price is 100 shards obtainable through Mega Orbs, Premium Orbs, and 2.9 Nexus campaign mission. Passive ability grants him additional damage and increased Critical Damage if Iron Man is allied. All 3 attacks are then repeated on 2 additional random targets and it cant be counterattacked. There is only 1 acceptable Iso-8 class for Deathpool and that is definitely Striker. Namor is a mutant Brawler who helps the Fantastic Four wash away enemy teams during War. Whatever you chose you will not mistaken. The X-Men team may not seem good for Raids because of Phoenix but in reality, this team can be your solution for certain Ultimus 7 nodes. His first skill delivers medium damage, can chain to additional target and has 50% chance to apply Defense Up on Captain Amerika. Play MARVEL Strike Force on your PC at 60fps! You will now be able to play with ease against various teams with more power, that caused big troubles before (stronger S.H.I.E.L.D. His skill-set is made to counter Phoenixs rebirth combo meaning that Black Order will be definitely a new Meta for the Arena. However, if you are certain that she will not die than the Healer class will provide more benefits for the team. The Things ultimate smash the single target for up to 550% damage. If you Astonishing X-man, Symbiots, or upcoming Secret Avengers are not strong enough for using auto-combat in Ultimus VII Level 5 that this team can be a solution for you. When we know that White Tiger significantly increases the speed of all Shadowland Heroes at the start of battle we conclude that Moon Knight can initiate the fight by crippling almost any other synergy including Black Order. There's a link on the top bar and in every empty section on the site that will take you to the . Cookie Notice Nobu doesnt offer anything worth mentioning to the roster and his only purpose at this moment is to be developed on 5 stars so he can help in unlocking Phoenix. If you want to save Silver Surfer for other teams in offense you will always have an option to add Jessica Jones who will be without the team once you assemble Shadowland, Heroes for Hire, and Skill Military team. As someone who relies on Focus, it is logical that Skirmisher class should be best for Polaris, but since she already has an unbelievable Focus it might be better to equip her with Raider class because all her attacks are AOE based. Thanos is a brutal Mystic Protector who hits all targets and drains their health. Black Bolts toughens and Ebony Maws ability to place barrier after each kill is good enough so you can slide through all Ultimus 7 Level 5 missions without any healing at all (except on the last node). Nobus ultimate grants one or two Counters to all allies. However, despite the fact that he executes his ultimate under the effect of Offense Up which can be devastating especially if enemies are near dead, I dont think that he will be used outside of Pym Tech because his base damage is not that great and because of that he cannot benefit from Doctor Dooms ultimate. If Colleen Wing is an ally this attack cannot be blocked and Colleen is granted Offense Up in the process. Skirmisher class also allows her to clear positive effects from the target that is attacked by X-23s ultimate because with her ultimate X-23 strikes the target several times and each time she will have a chance to place vulnerability (if the Vulnerability is placed on the target that already has Vulnerability, 1 positive effect will be removed instead). msf taskmaster team order. This team has great attacking potential. Ebony Maw is a key part of the mighty Black Order/Thanos team. He should be equipped with either Striker or Raider ISO-8 class. It also has a 50% chance to place up to 3 additional negative effects (Bleed, Blind, Defense Down, Disrupted, Offense Down, Slow) for up to 2 turns on each target. Villain, Global, Mutant, Marauder, Support. Whenever a non-summoned Hydra Minion dies, Red Skull revives them with up to 50% Health and up to 2 Deathproofs and then lose 1 Charged. Scream should be developed in the Skirmisher ISO-8 class or even Striker class if there are already enough Skirmishers in the Symbiote team. Over the years, the leader of A.I.M. At the same time, Sam is granted +1 Deflect up to a maximum of 5. The most insane thing is that as long as he is in the team all enemies have their damage reduced by 15% while Weapon X allies have their damage increased by the same amount. She will work best with Guardians obviously, but she can be used in other team combinations as well. Max Health is increased by 30% for both Moon Knight and all Shadowland allies. Her first skill inflicts medium damage to the primary target and removes 1 positive effect from that target. Deathpools ultimate clears Deathproof from the primary target before it attacks it causing up to 500% damage and applying up to 2 Bleeds for 2 turns. Additionally, Red Skulls and Hydra Minions Speed and Damage are increased by up to 15%. Aside from Fantastic Four, She-Hulk has literally no other virtues. IF Kestrel has Skirmisher class then she should use Striker or Raider class. Do not hesitate to improve his ultimate asap. S.H.I.E.L.D. Luke Cage is your first Protector and he is available immediately after Spider-Man joins your team. Villain, Global, Tech, Brawler, Weapon X, Honorable. If we talk about ISO-8, in my opinion, Iceman will benefit the most from Skirmisher Class. Copyright 2023 Our website use cookies, please read our Privacy Policy. After using the ultimate Baron Zemo gains 1 Charged. It also heals all allies for up to 20% of his Max Health and revives a dead Symbiote ally with up 60% base Health. Hero, Global, Mutant, Controller, Controller, Astonishing X-Men, X-Men. Additionally, Katty flips Taunt to Defense Down to all Taunting enemies and she fills her Speed Bar by up to 20% if an enemy has Taunt. Also, whenever an enemy drops below 50% HP Corvus gains 1 Stealth up to a maximum of 2. This attack always grants +5000%. His second skill delivers a high amount of damage against primary and adjacent targets and applies slow on each target. Dark. Before the attack, Blob copies all buffs from Brotherhood allies. Ms. Marvels ultimate causes medium damage to all enemies and provides her with a 40% chance per target hit to generate 1 Ability Energy to random HERO ally. Human Torchs ultimate causes a high amount of damage on all enemies and applies Offense Down on everyone when it is fully upgraded (otherwise it affects to up to 3 enemies). The passive ability also grants him Assist Now on allied Blakc Widows turn. While taunting Thanos has increased resistance to the point that he is immune to all enemy debuffs and additionally he has a chance to provide ability energy to himself and all Cosmic allies after each kill. Scarlet Witch is a mystical controller that prolongs negative effects and redistributes health across her teammates, Hero, Global, Mystic, Controller, Avenger. She could be also equipped with Fortifier class to be protected against initial attacks but that shouldnt be the first option. Also, if Magneto is his ally, Juggernauts Speed Bar is increased after every attack. On top of that, all enemies under the effect of Heal Block have their Resistance lowered by up to 50%. If Groot is his ally, assist always granted and taunt is applied on Groot. The Kree race has physical similarities with the human race although they have blue skin and cannot breathe in Earths atmosphere. Passive ability enables him to prevent all enemies killed by Black Bolt from reviving and applies Disrupt clearing up to 3 positive effects at the same time to the target which summons additional enemies. Elektras ultimate assassinates the target for up to 600% of her base damage and when upgraded it can be cast in the second round of the combat. Deadpool is a Mercenary Brawler who is extra effective against minions. To increase the power of his basic attacks Hawkeye should be equipped with Raider ISO-8 class. and our Since his ultimate is ready for use at the start of a battle that means that Moon Knight will open the battle by clearing all positive effects on all enemies (including Immunities) after which he will immediately overload them with up to 3 negative effects. His second skill also causes mediocre Piercing damage but provides Black Panther with Counter and Offense Up. With her in team Astonishing X-Men become the strongest Raid team in the game without a doubt and they are capable of dealing with almost all synergy teams in Alliance War and Real-Time Arena except very few meta Teams that rely on Immunity. Besides all that Corvus passive ability permanently increases his damage and the damage of Black Order allies and Thanos, and it grants him increased Critical Chance and Critical Damage while he is in stealth. Now he has new home and he can prove his worth in a new Hydra Offensive team. Practically she can do everything. Upon activating second ability Rhino is granted Taunt for 1 turn. With the introduction of Kestrel and Silver Surfer, it is no longer necessary to have Ultrons buffs and Minn-Ervas healing. Her presence on the battlefield grants Defense Up on Infinity Watch allies during the entire battle. The attack then Chains to another target causing up to 300% damage and applying Ability Block and Heal Block. America Chavez price is only 15 shards which will be obtainable through Blitz at start. His passive ability grants him Speed Up when an enemy dies and at the start of each combat. The sole purpose of She-Hulk is to replace Namor if you decide to put your Fantastic Four team in Alliance War defense. Ultimate is unavoidable and cannot be blocked. His real value is his role in Dark Dimension if he is accompanied by other Pym Tech heroes. Her first skill inflicts medium damage and applies Stun to the target if Mantis is Charged. Groot is a resilient healer who defends allies and has a chance to revive. Despite the fact that she cannot be acquired easily and that it is very hard to develop him on even 4 stars he should be obtained and maximized immediately. Silver Surfer is a Hero Cosmic Blaster who has synergy with all Cosmic Heroes and who prevents enemies from being buffs or casting abilities. Shang Chi is a final member of Heroes for Hire who protects his H4H allies from negative effects and whose strength scales with the number of positive effects on his enemies. Additionally, it strikes adjacent targets for a medium amount of damage. After using ultimate Swarm loses 1 Charged and if he is not Charged he attacks himself causing obliterating damage. Her first skill inflicts medium damage and grants her barrier equal to up to 10% of her Max Health. Depending on the placement of ISO-8 classes on other X-Men Heroes, Psylocke should be equipped with either Skirmisher or Striker ISO-8 class. The first studio team task was in Series 7's Lotta Soup. Swarms price is 45 shards available in BZZZ Orbs and One of Many Orbs. Her second skill delivers even greater damage and applies Heal Block to the enemies. The power of the Black Bolts ultimate under the effect of Offense Up (from Ultrons minions) is devastating he will kill at least 3 enemies after each use which will be enough for Thanos to regenerate his ability energy at maximum. He gains Charged status and fills his Speed Bar by up to 30% whenever he is attacked but every attack also clears Taunt from him. Domino is a Top Tier character when combined with other members of the X-Force team. Additionally, she applies Deflect to Drax if he is in her team. Rhino is the only Sinister Six tank who will improve the sustenance of the entire team and who will protect the team against Blind and other negative effects, while Shocker is someone who can place Offense Up to all Sinister Six allies which can be decisive for the outcome of the battle. As the matter of fact, I think that spending any ISO-8 resources on her cannot be justified at this moment. This team is very effective in Raids. Aside of that team, Bishops usefulness is extremely dropping and it is hard to find an appropriate synergy for him. To increase his focus and chance of placing Bleed, Carnage needs the Skirmisher ISO-8 class which will allow him to place Vulnerability as well. Our custom team relies on 3 powerful AoEs that can be used in the second turn under the effect of Offense Up. If an ally attacks an enemy with Defense Down, Kestrel automatically attacks the most injured enemy for up to 400% damage. ally if Scientist Supreme is ally and his Health is above 75%. However, without full X-Factor synergy Longshot is just a decent Hero who will not bring balance changes to the game. Omega Red is a quality Hero even aside from the Weapon X team but obviously, his full potential can be reached only with his fellow members. Shield Maiden of Asgard, Sif combines counterattacks and Taunt to protect her fellow Asgardians. The chain will be broken if the target dodges the attack. Squirrel Girl is an average Hero who will boost up the power of some Heroes that were avoided earlier or used in other custom teams. She should be equipped with either Raider or Striker ISO-8 class, depending on which class is given to Corvus Galive. At the same time ultimate steals up to 10% current health of all enemies redistributing it to all allies (maximum of 50% of Omega Reds max Health can be redistributed) and it reduces Speed Bar by 10% on each target. Agent Coulson can also be used in Raids, but it is questionable whether he is better than some other options. Cull Obsidian is an irreplaceable part of the mighty Black Order/Thanos team and only because of that, he must be obtained as soon as possible. All of Elektras skills are single-target skills, therefore she should be equipped with Skirmisher ISO-8 class if you want her to increase her focus or Striker class if you want to increase her damage. If he dies while charged he instantly Revives gaining +10% Damage Reduction, +10% Damage, and +175% Resistance per Charged. Cyclops ultimate causes medium damage against all enemies and applies Slow on each target. In addition, his second skill also reduces Speed Bar of all affected enemies. Captain America and Thor are given to new players for free early in the game, and they form a great team foundation that can help players in the Hero Campaign, arena, and early raids. I dont have any legendaries yet. Also, at the start of every turn, she heals herself depending on the number of non-minion Asgardian allies. Elektra also provides her HAND and Shadowland adjacent allies with Stealth Evade at the start of each combat and she has up to 15% chance to revive herself upon death with 20% of Max Health. As the Spirit of Vengeance, Ghost Rider brutally inflicts damage on those who harm his allies. Iron Fist is an underestimated hero who can sometimes be useful in some segments of the Marvel Strike Force. Additionally, the Focus of Stature and Pym Tech allies is permanently increased by up to 50%. His second skill inflicts medium damage to primary and adjacent targets and applies up to 2 Slow to up to a maximum of 5 to the primary and adjacent targets. Even her basic ability is special since she is the only character currently who can place Slow for the duration of 3 turns. His first ability causes up to 200% damage before executing a bonus attack that causes up to 150% Damage. He should be used until you open the Punisher. His first skill causes moderate damage against the single target and activates the weaker bonus attack.