She changed her lifestyle to a more healthy one, but she did resume her life as if nothing had happened. Against your peace. "I have five rules. Count She then informed Meredith that Richard was stepping back from surgery. Bailey kept her pregnancy news private from others, as she didn't want to get her personal life caught up in her professional life. Later in the day, Bailey found Andrew in Richard's room. It was only when Meredith was critical post-natally did she step in and save her. 416 Her professional confidence was shaken when Izzie Stevens cut Denny Duquette's LVAD wire and Denny subsequently died after his heart transplant; Bailey felt that she wasn't in control of her interns and that the incident was ultimately her fault. As soon as they arrived, the guests gathered for a speech, but that was interrupted by Owen and Tom's fight and a supposed fire in the kitchen. They were the great love story. About Us | Copyright Inquiry | Privacy Policy | Contact Us. But deep down were all still rooting around in the primordial ooze, biting, clawing, scratching out an existence in the cold dark world like the rest of the tree toads and sloths. She wears an orange blouse with a long yellow skirt, along with white socks and orange shoes. A lot of doctors aren't willing to go all in. She dropped everything to show him how childish it was and said the crossword was too easy. Required fields are marked *. Bailey hushed Andrew when he objected in the OR and later made him step in when there was bleeding from the suture line. That night, Ben came home with dinner and was surprised to see Joey in his living room wearing his clothes. Andrew showed up with a cocky attitude, knowing she needed help, which didn't help to calm her down. After the first two days, Dr. Alma tested Bailey's control over her condition and recommended that she take the medication she had been prescribed. I really hope Loretta Divine wins for Adele. A very drunk Miranda Bailey decides to give April Kepner advice on her love life - which is extremely awkward for Kepner but hilarious for fans. After Bailey was informed of this, she began to show signs of obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) which caught her husband's attention. Every time. After agreeing to move in together, Ben invited Bailey to lunch, but she got paged on a once in a lifetime case. She noticed that Alex had started a weekly free breakfast for the interns to boost morale. So, this thing where we all keep our distance and pretend not to care about each other, its usually a load of bull. I cried to dream again. "MEREDITH: "Finally. She overheard that Tom was doing interview with Pac-North staff to determine who would be hired at Grey Sloan. She didn't want Joey's future to be a matter of chance. In this bare island by your spell; Bailey played the oboe while in high school and also took dance classes. Bailey had to assist to repair a bleeding but Jo pulled it off successfully. Bailey stayed and helped him to rectify his mistake, but she was starting to think that having him replace her was a mistake. As a human, Shirley is a tall person with brunette hair and golden eyes. Wound the loud winds, or with bemocked-at stabs He survived his home and foster homes and turned into a father and fine surgeon, all by chance. Prep your tear ducts accordingly. Maggie and Richard arrived and found Bailey doing CPR on a coding patient. Her colleagues used to refer to her as "The Nazi" because of her tough personality and blunt attitude although she behaves almost in the exact opposite way with patients and has a great bedside manner. This can certainly be a difficult task, with so many choices out there, but she's rounded up "six exciting, challenging, and moving Shakespeare monologues for men." 1. She admitted that was her way of comforting him with his marriage ending soon. Female Monologues. And I have a big job, where I do big, lifesaving, miracle-working things - where I lead others so that they can do their big, lifesaving, miracle-working thing. We all go through life like bowls in a china shop. He mentioned Adele, which greatly worried his doctors. Bailey agreed and made the call. That was only four. Bailey was reluctant to indulge because she didn't know how the TrailBlazer would be a success, but Catherine told her that money comes and goes and you need to let yourself enjoy it before it's gone. We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. He was with her when she woke up, as was Maggie Pierce and Richard Webber. Great privilege. And twixt the green sea and the azured vault She told him about her son and her husband. A run! And sight-outrunning were not; the fire and cracks Your swords are now too massy for your strengths Don't apologize for caring about your [Jo] patients. She shared that she no longer trusted her heart and might drop dead tomorrow. He was later pronounced brain dead in surgery. It may be the most perfect ferryboat ride Ive ever had in my life. At the beginning of her internship, she met Debbie, a nurse at Seattle Grace, who taught her how to be respectful to patients, as well as superiors and her fellow interns. "MEREDITH: "It is done.". Our revels now are ended. We are the guardians of our own humanity. You will answer every page at a run. Paranoia is a surgeons best friend. Later, she ran into Helen Karev in the cafeteria and during their chat, Helen revealed she had extended her stay because she was scared of flying back and didn't dare to ask Alex for help. She then begged Alex not to quit as she needed more time to straighten things out. He packed a suitcase and she assured him that it wasn't final. But they were alive and people loved them, which was cause enough to celebrate. As he further declined, the doctors kept looking for the reason behind the decline. Beth Henley list of famous monologues with associated characters and shows. Richard thought that would have led to Catherine firing her. Their proper selves. That's rule number two. And I cant even hold her in my hands. As his colleagues, including Bailey, arrived, he asked them to form a human chain around Cindy to protect her. I made that work. She understood and wanted to help him. Put the wild waters in this roar, allay them. At work, she flourished as a mentor to Jo. Bailey told her she needed to learn to spend joy like she had learned to spend money. Was the first man that leapd; cried, Hell is empty Justin Chambers, aka Alex Karev, Is Leaving, Chandra Wilson Is Directing Tonights Historic. Bailey wanted to make recommendations but he turned her down, knowing she would recommend the people she had impulsively fired. Whereof the ewe not bites; and you whose pastime I know everything. After the initial grief had worn off a bit, Bailey decided she needed to work and told Ben to go drink with buddies. Maggie and Meredith did some cognitive tests on him, which went horribly bad. She didn't want to go because people would congratulate her like it was all over, but she was not cancer-free. She currently plays Bailey and Tara in T he Monologue Show. Prospero:My brave spirit! The fact that Greys Anatomy has run for as long as 16 seasons is already renewed for the 17th season. Closer. There is no baby, and I dont want to sleep around. And like the baseless fabric of this vision She decided to leave him but also didn't accept the fellowship because she was becoming a single mom. During the procedure, Alex came to inform them that Jed's legs had been crushed when the elevator started working again mid-climb. "DEREK: "This thing with us is finished. But youre own Ben. Im in love with you. The infections were transmitted due to the replacement of surgical gloves instituted via Pegasus policy, which possessed microtears. With hair up-staring,then like reeds, not hair, Dashes the fire out. And ye that on the sands with printless foot When they were on the plane, which was transporting her, Richard, and the sedated plane crash victims to Seattle, she said that she wished they sedated her too.[4]. Because she's willing to be transparent about her own struggles, Miranda Bailey is the ideal person to help you with yours. [14], Soon after, she found a paper detailing Ben's death benefit at home. Worried she might be right, Bailey fetched Maggie for a cardiac work-up, which revealed her heart was fine. In his excitement, he told some nearby staff. Elena knew she was because she was her Mandy.[8]. That hath to instrument this lower world Following the investigation, Dr. Bailey became reclusive and refused to operate, testing herself repeatedly for MRSA. Bailey arranged a visit from his siblings, who assured him their foster homes weren't bad. I miss no-nonsense Bailey's toughness. Privately, she measured her blood pressure, which was way too high. Although not stated directly in dialogue, Bailey is, She refers to her interns as her "babies.". Our site is an advertising supported site. Bailey had Andrew create the war room and reach out to other doctors to get their opinion. Sometimes the damage catches us by surprise. Ben operated on a man in the psych ward with a clipboard and operated on a pregnant women without proper consent in a hall and she died. A week later, she witnessed as Catherine took Tom into a private meeting. Later, Meredith came into Bailey's office as she was having hot flashes. Allow Necessary Cookies & Continue Dr. Alma, an occupational therapist, was assigned to shadow her and clear her when she deemed Dr. Bailey ready. And burn in many places; on the topmast, Upon your heads is nothing but hearts sorrow Catherine then had the limo pull over. Leave not a rack behind. Later, Jo found Bailey in their lab. He told her that she had told him to follow his bliss, but then she turned on him and left him over it. Sometimes a thousand twangling instruments Catherine pushed the doctors to work her. "I pictured her as a tiny blonde with curls," Rhimes said to Oprah. Bailey then told Meredith she could have her job back, which Meredith accepted. From Milan did supplant good Prospero, He agreed to help her with whatever she needed. He pointed out her testimony made him feel the same way as he thought she'd stand up for Meredith as he had. Then meet and join. He also wrote that he had decided to stay in Baldwin City to complete the family Izzie had started by using their embryos to have twins. If you be pleased, retire into my cell To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. Grey's Anatomy Season Finale Promo: DeLuca in Cuffs! [30], Bailey identified Lucas Ripley when Levi arrived with him at the hospital. Bailey: Grey, look I had to try.Meredith: For your patient, I know, but now that's dozens of transplant patients that you just screwed out of a chance. Bailey argued that the hospital needed him but he simply said he wanted to step away while at the top of his game. They headed out to work. Later, Ben quit his job because he felt he didn't see Miranda or Tuck, his stepson. #5: its not about the race at all, there are no winners or losers, victories are counted by numbers of lives saved. If yes, then please all aboard the train, which will take you to the journey of ups-downs in Greys Anatomy Monologues because this article is all about Greys Anatomy Monologues. Suzanne crashed in the CT machine due a cardiac tamponade but they managed to bring her back. What's the one thing you've always dreamed of doing before you die? He told her she was wasting his time by barking orders at him while she was not his Chief. This monologue comes from a TV series Greys Anatomy and it is a full transcript of Miranda Baileys speech to her new interns. She told Richard that Alex was praised in an article for the hospital's innovation while that was actually all her doing. She faced initial difficulties getting support from the attendings, but after talking with the Chief, managed to get their agreement to work there. Bailey had her scrub in so they could repair her abdominal aortic aneurysm. Who was so firm, so constant, that this coil And once in a while, if youre smart, the life you save could be your own. And all the devils are here., For a full analysis of Ariel Monologue Act 1 Scene 2. The material on this site may not be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, cached or otherwise used, except with the prior written permission of Cond Nast. [63], Bailey and Meredith operated on Adele, before returning to her wedding and tying the knot with Ben.[64]. During her internship at Seattle Grace Hospital, she was very quiet and had no confidence, until she was mentored by Richard Webber. 2023 TV Fanatic Her speech on last night's episode was powerful. He was stable but still unconscious. While testifying, Bailey denied being close to Meredith and stated that Meredith lost the qualities that had made her promote Meredith to Head of General Surgery. Grey's Anatomy Promo: Meredith Does Community Service! Ruby Design Company. I just wanted to say that, um God, I wish you could see this. Amelia then asked Bailey to stay with her. There's nothing more personal than this job, in how we treat a patient, in how we raise our doctors and teach them how to do this work. He was perfect. Bailey presented a list with diagnoses that needed ruling out or had been ruled already. When Owen decided to step down as Chief of Surgery, Richard told Bailey she'd become his successor. Bailey scoffed at the idea and then informed him of her own marriage sabbatical. Alex thought she was on a crusade against people with mental illness, but she pointed out she was someone with mental illness herself, so she knew how hard it could be to ask for help. [43], Together, they arrived in the ambulance bay as the trauma doctors took in the residents. Dashed all to pieces. Bailey shut down Meredith's suggestion to write a retraction since they never get read. I flamed amazement: sometime Id divide, Bailey considered this a public attack and discovered it had sent the residents into mayhem, including the Chief Resident quitting on her. She refers to the hospital shooting as the worst day of her life. But as I mentioned before the text can be more challenging. As Shakespeare developed he began to break the metre more and more, and so the text can feel more abrupt and disjointed. "I thought it would be unexpected to have this sweet-looking person open her mouth and say tough things. He later woke up with normal cognitive function.[54]. Catherine pointed out that doing so had created a big rift between her and Richard. Yes, I know. When he comes back; you demi-puppets that Meredith found her and brought up Jo's plan to create a surgical innovation fellowship for her. Later, Andrew confronted her about sidelining him, suspecting she did so because of his relationship with Meredith. And sometimes the damage is something we cant even see. And even with such-like valour, men hang and drown CurrentAttending General SurgeonFormer Chief of SurgeryBoard Member Thee of thy son, Alonso, Your email address will not be published. She further said the pregnancy wasn't planned and that it terrified her but could also make her happy. She told him she was looking forward to no longer having to take orders from him.[25]. They revived a liver from a deceased donor using normothermic perfusion. She's afraid of snakes, large spiders, and sharks. She tried to ease the pain by promising to call social services and find out as much as she could about his siblings' situations. Owen told them that it was his choice, but they started blaming Owen for him joining the army because he encouraged George a lot with trauma surgery and talked about his experiences in the army. While we didnt really get any new information about Alex Karev and how the show will handle Justin Chamberss permanent departure, fans did get some very emotional scenes between the three remaining OG doctors: Miranda Bailey (Chandra Wilson), Richard Webber (James Pickens Jr.), and Meredith Grey (Ellen Pompeo). The guilt of resenting her own kid will eat her alive, 9. Later, Bailey sat down with Meredith and they talked about her breaking up with Andrew and having grown up. And, yes, I have obsessive-compulsive disorder." | She warned the others about the shooter and her quick-thinking saved her own as well as her patients' lives. Later, Bailey informed Ben she was in an emergency. Despite Evan's misguided attempts to spare Max from the pain, Max had found out that his mother was dying and he ran off into the city. If I'm sleeping, don't wake me unless your patient is dying. Meredith stressed she would never attack her beloved hospital that taught her everything. Levi then also dumped a few STEM students on here, who were to learn about leadership, something she had approved months ago. This will give her darkness. Unless I be relieved by prayer, Meet Miranda Bailey. Against my very heart! It wont make a difference if he decides he does not want to fight for himself. While working on a patient about to have open-heart surgery, she became increasingly cranky and ordered Debbie to get her coffee. That, if I then had waked after long sleep, Bailey had been warned Catherine might try to ditch her party, but she couldn't resist the party. The people that are still with you at the end of the day, those are the ones worth keeping. Sometimes we think we can fix the damage. Now I want Later, she came to him in nothing but a trench coat and thong and proposed to him, but they didn't immediately get engaged because Ben told her he was offered a surgical internship at UCLA. (For thats my business to you) that you three Now, tis true Prospero. [19] Everyone came to terms with it and they made up for the surgery. Meredith Grey The expected's just the beginning, the unexpected is what changes our lives.". Use of this site constitutes acceptance of our User Agreement and Privacy Policy and Cookie Statement and Your California Privacy Rights. And a clear life ensuing. Manage Settings We thought it was about time we collated a list of the strongest and most compelling monologues from The Tempest for actors, teachers and theatre-lovers to enjoy. Before Izzie went down, she told Bailey that the scarf was for her. But, um Im busy holding myself together with tape and glue. Ben then agreed to keep Joey, saying that he had just wanted for them to talk it over. The chief of surgery is the friend who protects with all her might as well . Miranda Bailey Following severe injuries to her son and several arguments over the state of their marriage, Bailey and her husband separated because her husband believed that she placed her job at the hospital before her family and that it led to Tuck's injuries. Mercy itself, and frees all faults. That's not gonna change. [48], Her unilateral decision angered Ben, who went to sleep on the couch. My mother was a Cristina. Put yourself in Pandoras shoes. Plus its the only thing Greys is nominated in.. :|. And my ending is despair, As you from crimes would pardoned be, 10. is the founder of StageMilk. She also offered Jo full control over her fellowship to prevent her from quitting and accepting the same offer from Alex at Pac-North. 2019 Ted Fund Donors After a talk with Meredith, he agreed to take the suspension if Bailey agreed to call the human trafficking hotline. Bailey finds out Ben is trapped inside the bar. She's fierce. [17], Bailey and Taryn had to keep each other calm and stop themselves from catastrophizing while ventilating Phoebe manually. She then decided to go back to work and had him update her on her injured residents. Ariel: Not a soul Ben tried to propose to her through a crossword puzzle which didn't work out like he planned, and in the end Miranda herself asked him to marry her twice. He also apologized for taking Dr. Bailey for granted. Her first solo surgery was an appendectomy during her intern year on Alicia Tatum, but it turned out Alicia's appendix was perfectly healthy. He had no clue what she was talking about and left. "DEREK: "Yeah, it's done. I hate you. $MMT = window.$MMT || {}; However, as soon as he was gone, she switched her picture with Alex's. She spent a full week being angry, which exhausted her. As a general surgery attending, Bailey spearheads an initiative to reduce post-operative fistula formations. Tucker Jones (ex-husband)Ben Warren (husband) He knew it had been hard on her since his job change and said it was time for them to re-connect. ClaireRosalind Warren (sister-in-law)Mr. Warren (father-in-law)Mrs. Warren (mother-in-law)Sister-in-lawCousinsTwo nieces Bailey appreciated the luxury and Catherine pointed out she had the money to buy nice things for herself outside of taking care of business, like fixing the garage door and paying off her car and property taxes. She and Andrew assured Suzanne later that they would find out what was going on. A stunning moment between Bailey and Dr. Derek Shepard (Patrick Dempsey) occurs when Bailey explains the societal dynamic that exists between the two high-ranking doctors because he's the Golden Boy. Were just going to take a day and ride the ferryboat all day if we want. "Something About What Happens When We Talk". Were all damaged it seems. Brie? When Betty was discovered amongst the teenagers, she was diagnosed with an aortic dissection. After a while, the ways of residency become a way of life. Be not afeard; the isle is full of noises, She told him that it was a meeting and blew him off, so he just dropped her off and drove to his job. What if the patient dies and you could have prevented it? Meredith asked her for advice on how to tell her kids that she was dating Andrew, which Bailey already knew about from Richard. Remember he was writing for YOU. Compelled by a desire for more., Season 15, Episode 1 of Greys Anatomy Monologues. Have some brie. She was phenomenal. Later, Richard and Meredith came by her office with tissues and doughnuts to comfort her. She found she had less energy than before the cancer, so all small problems would be taken to Tom now instead of to her. Bailey eventually gains the pediatric surgery fellowship, and even the Chief signs on and agrees with it, but Bailey is unable to take the position and asks for a job as a General Surgery attending, after making the decision to leave her husband, as a fellowship for 2 years of long hours is not healthy for a single mother. When she returned to work, she was making sure that her colleagues knew that she hadn't gone soft because she had become a mother. Afterward, Bailey went to see the parade in the peds ward and learned that Teddy had dressed up her babies as zombies, which made Bailey suggest she buy costumes next year.[39]. And as the child she didnt want, I am telling you, dont do this to her, because shes kind and she cares and she wont make it. She told him she was being treated, but he didn't respond and left for an emergency. Alex later found her in his office and told her she could have her job back if she was going to treat him the way she did. She also sent him home and told him to meet her in her office the next morning. She also had him forward her the list that Lauren had sent him. Suzanne had developed a mysterious condition after an appendectomy. Bailey settled the "Dad" issue by telling Tuck to call Ben by his name again as it hurt his father's feelings. Who might or might not be called Ben. She's hot. They had been married for ten years and trying to conceive for seven when Miranda announced her pregnancy with their first child. Are like invulnerable. A code violet was called. Spirits to enforce, art to enchant; We are such stuff After seeing Callie struggling due to the situation with George, Bailey elected to be her number two. She then told him she was grieving her miscarriage. George O'Malley helped her through labor, and she thanked him by naming her son William George Bailey Jones (although he is nicknamed "Tuck" after his father). Tom conceded. Favourite monologue hour! The crowd applauded and she was glad to see she still got it. [41], The Monday after, a few hours before getting an ultrasound to find out the sex of the baby, Bailey found out Pruitt Herrera had been admitted to the hospital with symptoms suggesting his cancer was back. They both thought it was an amazing idea, but they agreed Alex could never know they did. Tom awkwardly comforted her. How can I do that to the most special person in the whole world? Joves lightnings, the precursors She competed for the post of Chief Resident, but she found out she lost to Callie Torres. Each episode of Greys Anatomy consists of monologues. He made it look like he was angry with her, but he actually told her she was going to make "a hell of a surgeon". Bailey told him she had other services cover their absence and joined Andrew in Suzanne's room. Monologues. I like this Kepner. Following her experience with MRSA, Bailey was more cautious in surgery. Try to understand the story and get a sense of which characters resonate with you. At the time of the episode airing, Bailey's year of residency had not been established, though it had been originally implied she was a 5th-year, as she discussed fellowship decisions during her pregnancy in the same season and was in charge of the OR in the, Bailey states to Derek she has been married for ten years in the Season 2 episode. William George Bailey JonesMiscarried daughter (with Ben)Joey PhillipsPruitt Arike Miller Did you spend it doing what you love? She wanted to have time to innovate and fall in love with the OR again and spend more time with her loved ones. Ben was unharmed and hugged his wife. He apologized and shared with her the story of how Halloween was his and his son David's thing and how David died a few weeks before he could ever put on his Stormtrooper costume, which just hung on David's bedroom door for months as Tom couldn't bring himself to take it down. She got to a 14-letter answer with the clue: My question to you. If you find The Tempest isnt for you, check out our full list of Shakespeare monologues. She knew Joey had declined to talk to a social worker about his options. Closer. Shakespeare's plays are famous for their monologues, . Hiding the truth, Bailey told her the baby was a girl like she had expected and headed to her office, where she broke down crying after all.[42]. Tagged: Never Give Up, Failure, go for it, Persistence. Later Webber brings Meredith in to comfort her friend with a box of tissues and a box of donuts. The Grey World: 14 Best Greys Anatomy Monologues. Meredith informs Bailey and Catherine on what she did. Alicia was a mystery; every test they did on her came out negative. That man turned her world. While Ben comforted her outside, Alex told Bailey that Jo had come back from Pittsburgh a changed person and that he didn't know what to do with her.[31]. Following the investigation, it was deduced that Dr. Bailey was contaminated with MRSA, an aggressive infection which resulted in the deaths of all three patients. As she and Jo operated on Joey's arm to restore blood flow, Bailey brought up his history of bouncing around the foster system after his parents died in a car accident. Miranda Bailey: Rule number five: When I move, you move. Bailey: You and Derek went down in a plane, you drowned, he got shot, you gave birth in a power outageMeredith: Is this supposed to make me feel better?Bailey: I'm just saying, you have every reason to be distracted. In this list of Greys Anatomy Monologues, most of them are voice-overs by Meredith Grey until mentioned otherwise. If by your art, my dearest father, you have Put the wild waters in this roar, allay them. Believe me, even though, you havent met your Ben yet, you will meet your Ben. My fellow ministers Richard: I am not crying wolfBailey: Sir?Richard: I do not make decisions lightly. I tried not to be, but it didnt work. He was wondering what they could do to do that, but she couldn't ignore what she had to say any longer. }). Maggie practiced talking about her feelings with her and said that Catherine, Jackson, and Richard were delaying the inevitable by not talking about the tumor. To revisit this article, visit My Profile, thenView saved stories. By subscribing to this BDG newsletter, you agree to our. She later admitted the pregnancy to Chief Webber, after he asked her about whether or not she was accepting a fellowship at Seattle Grace. Dean Miller informed her that Ben was among the people inside though not hurt. But I made that fine. She benched Richard upon hearing that he had been arrested after demolishing a bar. With hope in their hearts and sparkling light in their eyes, they just keep going on. She was admitted and Stuart, an intern, said that she wasn't showing any signs of a heart attack and that the test results looked fine as well. The noontide sun, called forth the mutinous winds, Doing damage to ourselves, to other people. Bailey and Maggie later watched Catherine's last surgery before her own spinal surgery from the gallery. Theres another way to survive this competition, a way no one ever seems to tell you about, one you have to learn for yourself. We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. After Owen decided to step down as Chief of Surgery, Richard suggested Bailey as his successor to the board, but Catherine didn't want him to just give her the position.