You're welcome, OP. Well done sir. Any reasonably smart high school student could do it. Use Git or checkout with SVN using the web URL. No, I'm not jealous, or pessimistic, or "immature". The fact that Noah Smith has a job in academia is a testimony to our failure as a system, and the criticisms directed at him are more than deserved. People with a noticeable opportunity cost of time simply don't have the time to dig through 20-30 repetitive threads a day for maybe one or two rumors. Post for each thread (one thread can contain more than one posts), Numbers of EJMR users who vote the corresponding post as good, Numbers of EJMR users who vote the corresponding post as no good. People think that EJMR only captures frustrated graduates students that need to lash out because they are angry, anxious, stressed out, etc etc. Why Do Search AD Extensions Matter? Other people disagree. The Robert Day School of Economics and Finance (RDS) at Claremont McKenna College (CMC) invites applications for multiple tenure-track Assistant Professorships at the early assistant professor level. Quick search didn't turn one up for me. And now you're angrily downvoting all my posts, apparently with sockpuppets, for some reason. I was pointing out that it's praiseworthy that he goes on an anonymous forum and discloses his real identity and discusses with harsh critics who engage in verbal harassment. PIIEs renowned scholars explore and analyze a broad range of economic topics and issues, including globalization, economic and growth prospects, finance, political economy, and trade and investment, as well as economic challenges facing individual regions and countries. I know.. this is not the case for some other "solid b" journals (eg mathematical finance) Not true. After browsing many of the posts there, I am pretty shocked by the amount of trolls, negativity, child-like responses, and harassment that I . I'm sure most people who post here are aware of the economics job market rumor forum (EJMR). They have a different gathering for non-academic conversations, including governmental issues. Finance research letter. This is where an economics job market rumor or ejmr finance app comes in handy. The conversations at EJMR finance are exuberant, clever, and open. sign in I used to be in a department with empirical international finance folks. Since this repository uses cron job from GitHub Actions to update the data, consequently the .git directory will eat up disk space. I've been to both EFA and FMA multiple times and have overall gotten comparable feedback from discussants at the two. Review of corporate finance studies Upon reexamination of the work, the . Finance research letter. Journal of financial economics If you do microstructure (and I don't know why anyone would), it is a good journal. I do in fact hold academics to a much higher standard. How much does your department do to place the undergrads/MBAs? Some experts say that there is a shortage of economists and other experts say that its just the opposite. Its where individuals can get viewpoints from peers who are accomplishing comparable work or have confronted comparative difficulties. Enjoy! I mentioned him in one sentence as an example of the toxicity that occurs on EJMR, and his mature response to the bashing. (PSR is the sister site, Poli Sci Rumors) HRM, MRM, LRM, VLRM: (high/medium/low/very low) ranked monkey. From the dataset, we can generate insights by making visualizations. I'm sure most people who post here are aware of the economics job market rumor forum (EJMR). The department is proud to support and promote the work of our Ph.D. students who are seeking employment following the completion of their doctoral program. I saw one thread where a bunch of people were **** talking and bashing Noah Smith. Dont waste your money if you are a grad student or junior. I hope it happens. The facts established in the recent paper by Alice H. Wu, and the deserved attention brought to them in the column by Justin Wolfers (University of Michigan), forces each of us to think about where they stand vis--vis the Economics Job Market Rumors (EJMR) site. You seem to hold academics to a much higher standard; there's no reason to. The bank was filled with shallow and douchey people and they just become more extreme in an anonymous setting. If EJMR reflects nicely on economists, than that's an embarrassment to the profession. Filter by advisor. A joint program for mid-career professionals that integrates engineering and systems thinking. Can't tell. Try not to endure provocation of any sort. Quarterly review of economics and finance You're currently coming back daily to two forums (this, and the same thread on EJMR I just discovered) to continue to moralize to a large contingent of applicants, grad students, and faculty about their emotional immaturity, as a young twenty-something who is, if we take your plans seriously, going to travel the world and still 3-5 years away from writing an application to this community. Other regional conferences do not have the same spirit. I love it! Maybe you hate this website, so let's scrape it. International journal of theoretical and applied Finance [3] Like its sister sites Political Science Rumors and Sociology Job Market Rumors, EconJobRumors is only lightly moderated and preserves posters' anonymity. By. The RDS has more than 30 tenured and tenure-track professors in economics, finance, and accounting, and it combines elements of an elite liberal . Their only source of pride is that they tend to censor politically incorrect content much more comprehensively compared to the economists, but I'm not sure that's a plus. In todays society, people have access to more information than ever before. So, here's a kind of non-secret about what we did at renaissance: in my opinion, our most important statistical tool was simple regression with one target and one independent variable. Check its robots.txt and it says the . Guide to Personal Finance Apps and Economics Job Market Rumors or EJMR finance By editor September 1, 2022 However, they can be overwhelming to use. Hello world ! (especially if you aren't into kissing O'Hara's ass). I find it highly unlikely that an undergrad is doing this as not many undergrads would be aware of high level research or publications. editor k. -. Financial management By the way, do you think any of these journals (and others similar ranking) would care whether I cite some papers from them or not while evaluating my submission? Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions & Money If you know that the results disappear once you add an additional control. What was the Dittmar scandal at Michigan/Ross in the old days? I think it's a good bird's-eye view. The rise of personal finance apps has led to an increase in productivity and efficiency in many households. It's only in academia where some indirect pressure is required to humiliate the occasional rotten apple who manages to obtain attention from the public that outweighs their contributions. EJMR is much like a finding a rare gem in a mound of cow dung. No ableism. International Review of Financial Analysis Spousal Hiring: What HRMs/MRMs do that? Maybe the nature of the academic profession leads itself to this type of behavior since it tends to be incredibly elitist, competitive, and status based. Mathematical finance My feeling is that usage of EJMR decreases as you go up the rankings of importance. I haven't accomplished anything in my life, and I hope to some day achieve your lofty heights. More generally, if you see people criticizing a particular persona, it may not because people are a**holes, it could be because the target of the criticism has been an a**hole. Review of corporate finance studies Journal of international money and finance No personal attacks. Does it provide good visibility for the papers? If you're trying to fundamentally change the rest of the internet towards becoming instantaneously nicer human beings, you're honestly not going to make a lot of headway in that direction, and it's not clear at all that you're setting a decent example when you go through people's post history pressing "downvote" buttons just to irritate people. Current and previous graduates, teachers, assistants, and any other person who needs to contribute? I don't know why you would think academics or highly educated people would be nicer than your average. Are you an economist? These are issues you become well equipped to judge on an individual basis when you are well into your PhD in economics, not as an outsider. If you are going to write empirical international finance, JIMF is one of the choice outlets. Not true. Its all adaptable. A rigorous, hands-on program that prepares adaptive problem solvers for premier finance careers. If nothing happens, download GitHub Desktop and try again. I have never attended so any information you may have will be very useful. To enlist as a client, you should give an email address or a nickname (if you would rather not utilize your genuine name). Subscribe to the PIIE Insider Weekly Newsletter, PETERSON INSTITUTE FOR INTERNATIONAL ECONOMICS. Make no mistake about it, I was never praising Noah Smith for his academic merits. But you, a recent grad, are making an insulting characterization of an entire profession that many people, including most of us in this forum have devoted our lives to, entirely based on a small anonymous internet forum and a few of the threads you read. Journal of empirical finance 5. I find it fine, and I disagree that it reflects negatively on the intellectual atmosphere of this discipline at all. If a significant reason for why you're thinking about going into academia is because you think academics are a superior group of human beings, then you should think about something else. Topic Add New . My feeling is that usage of EJMR decreases monotonically as you go up the rankings of importance. If academia is competitive, then by definition it's not status based. All in all, I dont think you should over-analyse the issue of EJMR, it's just a forum and at the end of the day you should know that a small random sample is rarely efficient for drawing conclusions about the overall underlying population, especially when there may be issues of self selection (here due to the fact that it is anonymous and thus certain individuals may go there for this reason explicitly). Review of Finance Another incredible expert is that EJMR Finance is profoundly secure. Critical finance review EFA is definitely better than some other conferences. It's *the* field journal for market microstructure. Journal of international money and finance Why would you make this assumption? Finance Job Rumors (482,405) General Economics Job Market Discussion (727,875) Micro Job Rumors (14,933) Macro Job Rumors (9,755) . Leave it to professional economists to forget the zero-sum game fallacy. Again, and I don't mean to be patronizing, but if you find EJMR to be unbelievably toxic, I think you are holding economists to unreasonably high standards and will be surprised when you go to grad school and realize there are dicks everywhere. Jimf is a good last resort journal, EJMR | Job Market | Candidates | Conferences | Journals | Night Mode | Privacy | Contact.