Tail a waggin. If you were told you had the option to teach a child how to read by physically punishing them for every word they said incorrectly (option A) or by working incrementally and rewarding the words they got correct (option B), and that you could achieve the same results no matter which way you taught the child, which would you choose? It can save everyones sanity. In these places, it is illegal to sell or use shock collars on dogs. In my years of dog training (at this point, Ive been involved in training over 1300 dogs and won awards), Ive never found a reason for a prong collar that cannot be resolved with positive training. Prong collars, also known as pinch collars, are a type of dog collar that is designed to provide a correction to a dog's behavior through the use of prongs. Im so glad you were able to keep your dog! Without leashes, dogs wouldnt be able to go many places with us. Debi, this is a wonderful article, thank you. I knew that if we kept at it, eventually the dogs would figure it out and be better behaved, but the fear of losing our pups made me feel we didnt have the time to be patient. Good luck with your future training of your puppy! We just started with a trainer for our 16wk Lab/Shepherd puppy that uses the Herm S prong collar. Because I adopted a 90 pound dog that, once he settled in, became seriously dog reactive in a city full of dogs that walk their owners and have no manners. Is there any advise other than your article on the prong collar you can help with please know though that my intention is to use the collar correctly and for the right reasons, i have paid special attention on how NOT to use the collar.. But are prong collars cruel? Ran into the road? Kind regards. I switched him to a prong (Herm Sprenger 2.25mm) and his behavior improved immediately. Ive compensated by going out during less busy times and the latest which has been driving to off leash dog parks as she is sooooo much off leash. Why was CodeMiko banned? WebE-Collars & prong collars are banned in several countries in Europe. I think hes smart enough to realize that hes in control, if he doesnt pull, his collar is comfortable for him. It's pretty effortless. He is amazing on it, but I dont always use it because Im worried about what people might think. A Twitch star was temporarily banned from the live-streaming platform after zapping herself with a shock collar as part of a bizarre stunt. Unfortunately, people really just dont understand these collars and that they can actually help prevent damage or injury, and help owners bond and communicate better with their dogs. Of course, if you see regression, then make sure that the previous training method is reverted to., This is a really subjective question. When we adopted our 95 lb lab, he had no leash manners at all. The reason why I am so weary of collars is that when dogs pull they can cause a lot of damage. Its important to understand your pup is still adjusting and pushing the limits. For instance, our sweet River does so well with other dogs and people at the dog park, but once shes on the leash shes much more reactive. Did not work at all. It could be killedalong with the child flung into the windshield as her mother hits the brake. Whether or not a dog wearing an e-collar, prong collar, or shock collar is largely happy or living a good life, the reason these devices work is that they cause some degree of discomfort, pain, or distress (regardless of the level of intensity). Filter by 1 Inch Custom Hidden Prong Embroidered Collar $0.00. Wasted $100 at PetSmart (clicker training ????). Controversial prong dog collars were recently banned by the government of Australias most popular tourist destinations, Queensland, home of the Great Barrier Reef We have beautiful, stress-free walks thanks to this great tool. I exercised and walked my new buddy for 3 weeks using no prong collar. The prong collar training gets a lot of attention from pure positive or force free dog trainers. I followed her to the nearest pet store and purchased a Sprenger prong collar and she fitted it properly for us and instructed me in how to apply it. Stand behind your product and tell people openly the truth! So far, only a handful of countries have moved to ban shock collars. I know thats easier said than done. Ive heard that putting a prong collar on an aggressive dog just makes them more aggressive. These collars are usually made of metal and are NEVER allowed on authorities therapy pet dog sees. These countries include Austria, Denmark, Germany, Slovenia, Switzerland, and parts of Australia. Woodrow doesnt mind it at all. Honestly, I know, Ive taught a great, reliable loose leash (even without the leash) a lot with all sorts of dogs, all sorts of breeds. Time, time is all it takes. You need to measure her neck. What have you got to lose? The San Francisco SPCAs website points out that the skin on a humans neck is ten to fifteen cells thick, whereas the skin on a dogs neck is only three to five cells thick. The only barbaric thing here Lora, is the human mind. The use of prong collars and other inhumane practices are set to be banned as part of Queenslands biggest animal welfare law reforms in over 20 years. Is that this information gets shared, lots. We just rescued a 2 year old (they think) GSD mix this past Tuesday. We praised and rewarded him and he was getting it so quickly; finally!! Ill let you know how our first walk goes! They certainly can be if misused. Then we started a balanced training class, and they showed us how to use the prong collar. You need to correct the behavior at that point. Sincerely Brian Kelly. If used correctly prongs are a great tool and can greatly improve your and the dogs quality of life, I have four bouvier dogs whom i love dearly, but using the regular belt type choker, got me dragged under the wheels of truck, which fortunately stopped at the last second, saving my life and the probably the dogs as well, since i walk all four at once, so all i can say, is your information and positive comments on the use of the prong collar seems to be my only and final choice. Came to me weighing 43lbs, greatly malnourished (the rescue had fixed all the medical issues and had to adopt him out, so not complaining) since then, he is well nourished at 68 lbs.still pulls like a fiend sometimes. Doing this is utterly unacceptable and thoroughly unprofessional. I have volunteered at numerous rescues that would allow for use of harnesses and Martingale or choke style collars but not prongs. A prong would have cleaned him right up. No one ever claimed it so it became our shop dog and because I opened and closed the shop regularly I was the one in charge of walking him. Do you think these changes are happening quickly enough in the US? Chest harnesses that clip in the front are a better choice for hard-pulling dogs because dogs generally dislike the sensation of being pulled to one side. A strong dog actually puked while I was walking him from the pressure on his throat. But your points make sense to me. Every once in awhile he will just chill on the kitchen floor by us.but the last day he is all puppy. I was terrified to hurt him during the first 2 sessions, but my son was not and he was getting the dog to listen! The absolute best feeling was able to have a family trip to a busy seaside and she walked calmly through crowds, passed dogs, runners and cyclists and she was good as gold. A quick, gentle tug is all thats needed. You could have taught a loose leash without a prong. I do believe it is each to their own, but to me it is still an aversive tool created for people who do not have time to train their dogs without punishment or the consequence of pain. Psychology Today, June 22, 2018. I broke down and bought a prong collar for my girls (18 month old pitbulls) theyre the sweetest dogs but pull like crazy especially when they see a person or another dog they want to play with. My new rescue golden girls neck (just below her ears) measures 14. in. I urge you to not shy away from the prong collar just because of what it looks like or what youve heard about it in the past. He clearly is afraid of the leash. But a dogs neck is a very sensitive area. Anyone else has used it on large dogs? I am also convinced, after having tried every other gentle alternative, that these are a) not effective and b) not kind, because walks with my dog are miserable for us both. What are your thoughts? No more choking off the trachea. Rainalo Actually he has never gagged, choked or shown any discomfort to prong where Ive had dogs gag if they pulled hard with flat collar. The prong collar is not punishment or pain. :/ (Thank you for posting that video!). There has to be a clear line of communication between you and you dog and the prong is just a quick reminder of the expectation. Our dog is very responsive to positive training with treats, but he is also food aggressive which makes me nervous to use around my son (and he is sometimes so excited about the treats he cant pay attention to training). A prong collar worked wonders on my hooligan, made her walk like a lady. We pull out the prong collar and he come and sits patiently for us to put it on..hes excited knowing hes going for a walk. Hes the sweet dog I knew him to be. and has a loving heart. I personally never used a prong collar before being introduced to it a couple of years ago. I might regret asking this but can I get opinions please? . I have a 2 year old, big strong 50kg male rottweiler who my ex was supposed to have trained, but only really had him off the lead, Sam doesnt listen to a word I say when were out walking and literally drags me, causing me injury. Hes sweet smart and strong. This post does contains affiliate links for your convenience (which means if you make a purchase after clicking a link I will receive a small commission, but it wont cost you a penny more). I am worried about how my dog owning friends will react to me getting one of these collars, but having seen how easy and gentle yet effective it can be I have decided that I would be silly not to get one, both for her safety and mine, in certain situations. Applying pressure to the windpipe is not good for any dog but can be especially serious in brachycephalic dogs who already struggle to breathe.. I have used a prong collar to walk my German shepherd and it has been a blessing. There is certainly a lot of misconception around the prong collar, and I feel the only way that will change is when people have a dog like yours and experience how it can be such an invaluable training tool. You have to interpret the action, and tell your arm to move at a certain speed/pace/whatever else and deliver it quickly, or else your dog will not understand what youre correcting., If that window is that small and you make a mistake, would you prefer to be delivering confusing rewards, or confusing punishment?, No. Its not an issue. For small dogs you can get the 2.25 mm. I have a 150lbs St Bernard mix, I cant walk her she is stronger then me. I bought a new prong collar suggested by person at HS site. WebDog keeping regulations in Germany 1. I need to be able to use my prong collar! Whilst the product is clearly quality, and I love that they actually give you most of this information the information is rather buried. After 3 weeks of work with our 11 month old, highly excitable rescue dog we saw his behavior getting worse and no amount of treats of any kind could get his attention any more. The pain and discomfort of of a prong collar isnt going to beat out the bad behavior. That is a misconception. Should e-collars, prong collars, or choke collars be banned? started a campaign to ban shock, choke, and prong collars in the city, are known to inflict stress, discomfort, and pain, and potentially have long-term negative effects on dogs. Most of the citys bylaws carry a $240 fine for infraction. Reviewed by Jessica Schrader, "Collars are a vital part of dog ownership. I always enjoyed walking my dog because I love him and I like to get out and walk, but now walking him is sooooooo much better. Humanely training your dog as with children should be a personal choice not one dictated by supposed do gooders and government policies Thanks for your free download I look forward to reading it and sharing! The prong collar helps keep his focus on me and makes it a positive experience for both of us. I felt like his regular collar was causing him pain because he was pulling against it so much. Of course I do not know this dog. Worked fine for a month then he saw a dog and jerked And the collar broke and went flying and he attacked the dog. Now what should I do? To find out what size prong collar your dog needs, you will need to measure their neck. We want to help your organization become prong-free too! He is absolutely gorgeous and has the sweetest disposition. Three jurisdictions in Australia have now banned the use of these collars: Victoria, Tasmania, and Queensland, under their Animal Care and Protection Act 2001. With the collar we walked last night and twice today hes a totally different dog .A real gentlepup. Hello, After doing my research and coming across this website, Im ready to try a prong collar with my rescue Nala. Kilian you are very welcome. Its important that the collar is snug around the base of the dogs ears, meaning high up on the neck. No amount of chicken, ham or hotdogs were getting our dogs attention when she reacted. Prong Collars Are NOT Illegal In The U.S. Prong collars are not illegal in most nations, even the US. It is amazing! But, after attending a seminar with a balanced dog trainer and doing a lot of research, I realized what a great dog training tool the prong collar can be. Her constant coughing and choking has completely gone away. We need to be responsive to whats happening on both ends of the leash, and a walk should involve ongoing negotiations and mutual tolerance between dog and human. He was really a wonderful dog that I wouldnt have enjoyed with out that collar. We plan on taking him to training classes for sure but the dog is making everyone in the family cry, angry, sad because of the jumping/biting. In fact, there is some evidence that the opposite is true.. Tried the front clip harness but she would still pull so hard she would flip herself over and on to her side how does that not break ribs?! I am still hesitant to give a little correction tug. We started using the collars and the pulling has gotten so much better. Debi McKee is a mom of three kids, three dogs and the creator of Rescue Dogs 101 where she guides you in your journey of adopting and raising a rescue dog every step of the way. After 5 years we still must put it on him when in public even though we still do training in private with him frequently to get him to behave on a regular collar. What is different about a prong collar is that as the martingale tightens it brings in teeth or prongs. Quebec will institute a ban on choke, prong, and shock collars in 2020. A prong collar will give you a bit of power steering with a larger dog that pulls hard, but its no substitute for training., So if youre training? 3 months is too young for a prong collar in my opinion. He gets to decide to eliminate that discomfort by not pulling. You still need to train your dog. We would like to try one more time to change their walking behavior. You need to work with him letting him know the leash is a good thing..associate the leash with something positive. This is why we often need to devote considerable time and attention to training dogs how to walk nicely when on lead. She agreed to train a lab mix that was petrified of everything and was essentially still catatonic after months of us having her. We're based in South Australia where purchasing a prong collar from outside Australia is illegal, however, it is not banned in some States, one of them being South Australia. Theres rarely a time where a prong is genuinely needed in a good relationship with your dog. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. The pair review the recent Norwegian breeding bans on English Bulldogs and Cavalier King Charles Spaniels, Marylands newly-passed prohibition on feline declaw surgery, and other recent legal changes in animal law. Controversial dog collars to be BANNED in Queensland as they 'use pain as punishment', https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10794119/Queensland-Govt-ban-pronged-dog-collars-state.html, Tagged: #veterinary, #veterinarian, #dvm, #vmd, #veterinarymedicine, #vetmed, #veterinaria, #vettech, #veterinarytechnician, #vetlife, #vettechlife, #vetstudentlife, #vettechproblems, #vettechstudent, #vetschool, #cvt, #lvt, #rvt, #cvpm, #podcast, #veterinarypodcast, #vettechpodcast, #pets, #petparents, #dogs, #cats, #animalpodcast, #petpodcast, #vetstudent, #practicemanagement, Prong Collars Banned in Queensland Australia, Gossip in Veterinary Practice: The Good, Bad, and What to Do About It, Chernobyl Dogs Update with Dr. Jennifer Betz. We are taking it really, really slowly and not forcing her to go anywhere for the walk as far as she is comfortable and I try to avoid triggers but its still stressful for her and I want her to feel more confident. Many people have never seen a prong or pinch collar properly used in dog training. I had it too low on the neck and much too loose. And never crate the dog with it on. Lets be realistic, Im not here to change your mind, and you will never be able to change mine. A smart, quick, and gentle tug as he came at me, playfully, but vigorously and painfully, biting and scratching, caused him to halt and look at my face, asking me what I need from him, wanting to interact and please. She nearly pulled my partner off her feet in the first week. Mickey is a 45 lb standard poodle and is 6 months old. As subjects go, Prong collars are pretty divisive in the dog world.. I had an amazingly trained companion who was really an off the leash dog (always carried a leash), used mostly hand signal commands. Twice have hurt my back holding him, and I also have tendonitis in both hands/wrists, so holding on to him when he is distracted can be really painful. I think most people are afraid to publicly admit the prong collar is a great training tool. We look forward to walks now!! She jumped up to greet Mary and her owner shocked her for jumping while she was trying to say hello. I was on the verge of having to give him up when I was introduced to the Herm Springer. I have had 0 success teaching dogs to walk correctly using a harness. Do not walk or move while he is pulling and turn around in the opposition direction are two ways to stop the pulling even with a standard collar. With the prong, he is walking next to me instead of pulling and I can walk him easily with one hand. We were very skeptical at first because it does look a bit barbaric. Our first walk getting her home she barked and lunged at anything that moved be it person or dog. Many years ago, I had our dog and a foster dog go after another dog when it was icy out and I went flying down on my butt. Legislators cited prong collars violated their Animal Welfare standards by using pain as punishment.. Can Humans Detect Text by AI Chatbot GPT? I never wanted to try a prong collar because of the negative connotations, especially with a pit bull that people are already afraid of. Prongs could help so many dogs and the misinformation out there is terrible. My energy is much more calm and I sense his is as well. I hope that this informed guy and the other bus passengers who heard what I had to say stop to think about what theyre doing with their dogs and realize that my success is due to learning how to use a prong. We use a mini prong collar and had to adjust the number of links. If youre going to use a Its especially discouraging because most articles Im reading argue against prong collars. Thats not how the tool works and thats not the humane way to go about it. Anna, if used and fitted properly, the prong collar is going to be a life changer and youll wander why you waited so long to try it! I asked him why not? He went on to tell me theyre known for breaking dogs necks. I recommend prong collars, but only after consulting a certified dog training professional. And ask yourself, is it better for your dog to drag you through your walk, choking himself on his flat collar or to have a peaceful walk with your dog walking next to you, enjoying the smells and scenery? People who have untrained GERMAN SHEPHERDS ALWAYS ask medo you train dogs?how much would you charge i will pay you well ALWAYSwhy you askwell because my gsd is sooo well trained.he is off leash trained 100% I take him into public stores.around other dogs.etc and he heels.directly on my side.no matter what.out of control dogs pulling on therr leash trying to attack him.etc it doeant matter.he wont maKe a move unless approved by me..how did i do this you ask?..well this is the formulaso get your pen and paper ready..first a WHOLE LOTTA LOVEsecond A WHOLE LOTTA TIME.third MORE LOVE..FORTH A SPRENGER CORRECTION COLLARwithout it you will never train a german shepherd manners.bigj reward training.petco trainingetc etc..etc DOES NOT WORK YOU ARE WAISTING YOUR TIME.SPINNING YOUR WHEELSwhen it comes to training your german shepherds.you cant do your own thing.you must follow a tried and true/proven training program.this is how the nazis trained them.this is how the police train them this is how the military trains them..AROUND THE WORLDstop the stupidity.if you dont use it.you will fail in training your dog will become a nuisance and your dog will ultimately pay the sad price.a well trained dog has a great life.sees the world ..a poorly trained dog sees the backyard sees the shelter and sees the euthanasia needle. As soon as the collar goes on I have total control over him. Any advice would be appreciated. She was especially dialed in when hiking in Alaska, saved me from crossing paths with many bears, moose, & wolverines. What size prong collar should I get? They are used as an aversive training tool that enforces punishment in an attempt to make a dog perform desired behaviours. At the very least, as a thoughtful species, we can most certainly begin to question and ponder the use of clearly aversive equipment such as electric, choke, and prong collars. Thank you for this article devilifying prong collars. Its important to check that all links are secure before putting on your dog. So glad you both can walk together and be happy! Needless to say Shadow and I were able to participate in class and he wasnt the class clown he was in the first class. Teacup puppies are incredibly trendy, because of their small size and cuteness. I dont want my dog to fear me or become aggressive towards other people or dogs. The proper positioning for a prong collar is right at the top of the neck, where the skull meets the neck muscle as this is the most vulnerable part of your dog, where the prong collar will yield maximum effect for training and consequently the desired result. It is made up of a metal With this volume of no-nos its so freaking easy to get wrong that can cause damage to your dog physically, mentally, or just to the bond between you and your dog. Yes, positive training will take longer and will be harder work, but is that any excuse to resort to something that will make your dogs life uncomfortable? Our bet recommends it for our lab puppy. The warning said that they should be banned and included a photo of a dog with several lacerations on its neck, allegedly caused by a Best thing ever and very very safe when used correctly! She is definitely non reactive to squirrels and birds ( her triggers) now. Way to go Shadow!! About 30% of the time he will heel/sit/stay with the choke collar but there is no real control without constant pulling on him. Thank You!!! I definitely want to use it. 1 1/2 Inch Keeper's Hidden Prong Double Leather Collar Gold and Silver Knots on Black Web with Metallic Gold and Black Leather and Brass Hardware $0.00. Leashes restrict dogs' ability to have control of their lives and to make choices. We rescued a 4 month old 50 lb Anatolian Shepherd/Great Pyrenees mix 5 months ago. Her classes are pure chaos, as nobody has any control with head halters, harnesses and flat collars. It is so inspiring, it brought tears to my eyes. Our 90 pound puppy who gets excited and pulls on walks. Thank you so much for sharing your story! He has someone home with him 24 hrs a day and has all the love and attention he could want. Dogs Watch Us Carefully and Read Our Faces Very Well. The Thunderleash is clipped on his back so it stays up high where he cant step on it but he does still pull a bit. Its kinda like tapping your dog on the shoulder to keep his attention on you. Did You Know Anxiety Can Enhance Our Relationships? I used a pinch collar on Chester and he and I were happy walkers for 10+ years. Thanks for sharing this article. It means that youre not in control. What theyre made to do, and what theyre not made to do.. It totally changed our lives!!! I have just had a 1 to 1 training session with a trainer and when he first suggested the prong collar I said NO straight away, but I put the collar around my thigh to see the effect. You can purchases extra links if you have an extra large dog (just make sure to get the right mm size for the collar you have). Front clip harnesses that simply manipulates the dog into not pulling and does NOT FIX the pulling. I had a guy ask me yesterday, as my dog and I were riding the bus, why I had a prong collar on him. They started our dog on a martingale collar, then upgraded him to a choke, and finally the prong. My latest furbaby the half boston/half lab was so smart that all the positive training methods only trained him to misbehave. Have you witnessed a dog pulled so hard on a flat collar that it chokes it self to the point of gagging? It was like I was walking a totally different dog altogether. Ali Smith is the Positive Puppy Expert, dog trainer and is the founder of Rebarkable. Austria, Denmark, Finland, Germany, Norway, Slovenia, Scotland, Sweden, Wales, and some parts of Australia all currently have a ban on electronic collars for dogs. CodeMiko posted in her Discord yesterday, sharing that she was suspended on Twitch for her use of a shock collar on herself during her Sunday, Feb. 26 stream. I took my unmanageable dog to a basic obedience class and the teacher told me to get one. You are most likely reading this because your dog pulls on the leash, is leash reactive or you cant control your dog on leash, right? Which in the summer months of course is everyone we see. I walk him 4-6 miles a day, am in obedience & he generally does really well. Toronto (Canada) attempted a ban on prong and choke collars, and it passed, but was then turned over within the next month. Not to mention that the window of opportunity for use becomes so slim that these dogs are actually probably really easy to train anyway. It is like tapping the dog on the shoulder to get his attention. Diana, I love your story, thank you so much for sharing! For example, in the state of California, prong collars cant be used to tether a dog. I have one dog that doesnt need it anymore, the other (our lab) is a constant puller without it. However, some suppliers seem to be able to get them and sell them. I bought a Herm Spengler for my 3 year old 100lb. This is the information I'l looking for also. My question is I know it can be good for walks but can it also be used in training my dog to stop jumping and biting? Now that I understand what I was doing wrong, I have all the confidence in the world that Ill be able to correct the problem with my mini Aussie and cant wait to give it a try this afternoon. After I brought him home I tried to take him for walks but he would literally drag me down the street at a pretty fast pace.