The big bad Punisher. As the other man then attempted to crawl away in agony, the Punisher calmly stepped over to him and shot him into the back of the head. Beyond this Castle has no interest in making friends as seen when he was working as a construction worker where he worked tirelessly without breaks for six months with almost no human contact towards his co-workers with the exception of occasionally meeting with Curtis Hoyle. [28], She looks up and sees me. Castle said that if Martin laid a finger on her, he would kill him. Somebody knows I'm alive. Castle reminded Micro to stay calm as he watched their masks being removed, and the Lieberman's looked at each other for the first time in a year. Daredevil is another character who's seen multiple deaths at the hands of The Punisher. Castle then got out and punched Micro. When Reyes then attempted to question Schoonover's story, she only succeeded in confirming it and helping Castle's case. They think they're gonna scare people into making them do what they want. Spider-Man asks who Frank is, and Frank tells him he's The Punisher. The two of them then stormed Nelson's home to find that it was empty. When the Russian threw the bench at him, Punisher managed to dodge out of the way before picking up a kettlebell and throwing it directly at that man's head. Castle dislikes being thought of as insane or not in control of his actions as it goes against what he believes his mission stands for. During his time serving in the military in Iraq, Castle came to become best friends with Billy Russo, a fellow marine from New York City, as the pair saved each other's lives while in Basra. After the two are united, however, Punisher kills Spider-Man, saying that he doesn't make deals with monsters. Pilgrim then grabbed a chain and beat Castle with it, wrapping the chain around Castle's neck and pulling. The Punisher, however, then calmly admitted that he knew that killing O'Hare would not really bring his wife and two children back, but had made it clear that this no longer mattered to him, as he now desired O'Hare's death. Castle upholds an honor code of "One Shot, One Kill"; getting the job done as quickly as possible, whilst trying to avoid any collateral damage. They had been practicing at a warehouse. At the same time, he does not seem to care what the citizens of New York and the law enforcement think of him as he has witnessed their ineptitude in dealing with his family's murder first hand. [9], Reactivating the phone, Castle was contacted by Micro. Once he had what he wanted, Castle prepared to leave, but the greedy Clint tried to convince him to stay by offering pornographic films. He then looked over and saw gasoline leaking out of the ambulance as well as the engine being on fire. Fisk initially wanted to get Castle out of the way and arranged to have him killed. [39], Where are we going? He can't go to you, he can't go to me, so where does he go? The mission sees Krieg fake his death, while the son of mob boss Howard Saint is killed. Due to his own superior knowledge of the layout of their hideout, the Punisher was able to get around the mercenaries who could only fire blindly at where they thought he was. Then, he simply waits for Hulk to transform back into Bruce Banner, and follows him into an abandoned alley. As Castle had promised on his honor as a Marine to let Russo walk if he let Hoyle go, Russo noted that he could let Hoyle bleed out, as Castle promised to call Homeland Security if he did that. I'm gonna murder them, Karen. As they sat down for a beer together, Russo questioned why Castle had not reached out to him, noting that Dinah Madani was aware of Castle's survival. As the Punisher still demanded that Russo let these kids go, he was told that attachments were a weakness as Russo then shot him in his skull vest, knocking the Punisher onto the ground, although the Punisher had claimed that Russo had once had the Castle family. However, Castle has enlisted Curtis Hoyle to meet Micro. He did not use bullets so he did not kill them, but saw abtaser coming his way, so he redirected it. Madani had also advised them to decide on their living arrangements, while she would stay at her hotel, while she had also promised that she and Castle would then discuss Billy Russo once she got back. Grabbing ahold of Russo's hair, the Punisher proceeded to smash his face into the cracked mirror repeatedly, ripping his face to shreds while telling Russo that he would learn about pain and loss. However, Martin said that if he came up, she was dead. ""It's your lucky day, asshole.Punisher and Amy Bendix. Castle believed he deserved to be punished and submitted himself. When Quinn had then made it clear that she wanted him to have the private drink with her, Castle then considered her offer for a moment, before he explained that he would like that, much to Quinn's delight. As the two wrestled, Russo struck Castle with his gun, leading to Castle letting his grip go. However, Barrett then threatened to call the New York City Police Department and National Guard to come after Castle, to which Castle threatened to kill Barrett before he could even hang up the call. However, Castle remained determined to not only save all his fellow soldiers, but to return home to his family, so he swallowed his pain and got back onto his feet. Eventually, they fell through a glass ceiling and Castle saw that Daredevil was suffering great pain. Castle was told from James that he would be getting a free pass due to the debt the country owed to him due to William Rawlins' betrayal, as he confirmed if this was the pay off in order to ensure that he kept his mouth shut about Rawlins and the CIA, to which James had then confirmed. He was the Whirlwind. ""I killed him. He's the Punisher. Looking closely at the flash, Castle found a flashlight, cell phone, and mirror placed for him by Micro, which caused the flash from afar. Linello's in Little Italy. She offered Castle the chance to participate in the CIA mission to do what he does best, but Castle refused to work with her, making Madani deal with her problems by herself. And you sure carry yourself like a soldier.Daredevil, It's a Marine's best friend. [25], You gonna run? ""You knew he was alive, all this time. Follow him on Twitter and Instagram and tell him to post more often: @jimmydangus, Big Bang Theory Secretly Hinted At Paiges Dark Young Sheldon Future, One Big Bang Theory Main Character Was Only Meant To Be A Guest Role, Power Rangers New Red Ranger Zord Breaks A Decades-Old Franchise Trend. Donny Chavez asked Castle for any medical skills he had from the United States Marine Corps, but he simply walked away. It's rare to find such a formidable hero that doesn't have any superpowers whatsoever. Castle offered Bendix his coffee to calm herself down, although Bendix had noted that this was not how caffeine worked. Castle started to berate Schultz, talking about all of the deaths at the hands of the Schultzes. That shot was carefully, deliberately placed, and did exactly what it was meant to. After the character's impactful introduction in Daredevil Season 2, Frank Castle was granted his very own standalone series. [12], You are nothing but a grunt! Didn't wanna raise her alone, but she understood if I did not want to hang around. Blood loss is gonna make you weak. Once he was certain that Bendix was safe from harm, the Punisher tracked down and finally executed the now mortally wounded Russo, before then dedicating his life to the Punisher cause, tracking down criminals wherever he could and executing them. As they then sat together, Quinn commenting on the scars across Castle's arms, with Castle recalling Amy Bendix's comment, calling it a rough road, which Quinn laughed at. Castle followed Wilson and Page to the basement kitchen where he attempted to talk him down and used the story about how he helped Curtis Hoyle as a signal to Page to grab the white wire on Wilson's deadman's switch. ""Yeah, well, they're just gonna have to get over it.Curtis Hoyle and Frank Castle. With Castle still remaining strong throughout all of the brutal torture, Cooley was forced to rethink his plan as he threatened to unleash the same torture methods onto Castle's adopted dog, Max. Castle chuckled at her use of the word before walking inside. ""Yeah, it was. In order to find out what was happening, Castle then called Hoyle who informed him that he had been shot in the shoulder and was bleeding badly. Bendix noted that Castle was also bored, drank too much coffee and the frustration of losing kept him there. As Castle was questioned by Lance, he was threatened to use his sledgehammer against Lance, daring that if he used it then Lance would be willing to fight him. Fans loved his portrayal in the Daredevil Netflix series, and many binge-watched his solo series the second it was released on Netflix. Castle went back to Billy Russo's warehouse and watched from above as Brett Mahoney surveyed the scene of two deaths: Anton Reed and Bobby. As she reshuffled the deck of cards, Bendix had noted that everything came back to Sergei Konchevsky, as she phoned him back at Lola's Roadhouse, which had resulted in Marlena Olin's crew attacking them, while she had theorized that Konchevsky ordered the hit to avoid paying. He's, like, a total creep, but it still seems a bit borderline, even for you. Before pulling the trigger Punisher tells Captain America that he was always his hero. Image via Marvel Comics. Brother, I just want to talk!Punisher to Gunner Henderson. The Thing was one of the first Heroes infected with the Virus, as the Fantastic Four were the ones who subdued Spider-Man after his initial attack. After dropping Paulie's corpse into the cement vat from upstairs, Castle confronted Lance, picking up his broken sledgehammer and listening to his offer of taking the stolen Gnucci money, only for Castle to torture until Lance divulged where their hit went down. Castle did, however, advise that they locate Ray Schoonover to be the witness for the case. As Russo got up, he suggested they meet at Central Park for their final battle, wanting it to be where Castle's entire family had been gunned down, before Russo had then simply walked out of the door. Arguably better than season 1. This whole thing This whole thing is bullshit! Here, Captain America is one of the main causes of Punisher's misery. Okay! As the battle concluded, Castle watched from the roof, seen by Karen Page down below as she was protected by the police, Castle gave a nod towards his ally while he promised to see Daredevil another time before walking away. ""Goddamn right, I did!Jigsaw and Punisher. You blow out the back of your head. When the Punisher then looked at Schultz, he began to weep, knowing that he had been exposed, as the Punisher questioned their motivations. Castle is let free and would help Hardin and the rest of the sheriffs. Castle quickly turned around and grabbed the assailant, pinning her to the ground. Once Bendix honked the horn, Castle told Pilgrim that Schultz was not there and he did not know where Schultz was. As one character says at the end of the Punisher trailer when his colleague tells him she thinks Frank Castle is back: "The Punisher? [30] Office of the District Attorney codenamed Castle as "The Punisher," due to his brutality and ruthlessness against criminals.[2]. Once he was out in the open, the Punisher told Russo to let the kids go free, only for Russo to keep his weapon on them and demand that the Punisher throw his gun and knife aside. Bendix said she did not want to talk, but Castle simply asked where she was and explained that there was a bounty on her head. When Castle simply thanked him for the coffee and prepared leave the Church, he then turned back to Hoyle as he questioned how often he thought about their time in the United States Marine Corps together. He was also a trouble-maker when he was a young man, with a strong desire to hurt people, which he would later claim that he often did, quickly becoming a highly effective fighter. [27], I think that the people I kill need killing, that's what I think. Confused by the apparent betrayal of one of his best friends, Russo demanded answers from Castle to confirm his suspicions that he was responsible for all the scarring on his face. Castle made Grotto admit how he had murdered a man and an old woman under the orders of the Kitchen Irish. Pilgrim used this opportunity to hit Castle with a shovel. Once Hoyle had responded, Castle claimed that his past operations were played out differently, before they shared a joke and Castle left the Church. Castle then realized Schultz was not behind the deaths, in fact he had no idea. Russo watched from afar, allowing Castle to kill his former ally. ""Fair enough.Punisher and Jack. ""I infiltrate here. He needed to enter a code and retinal scan to cancel it. That was who needs to know. As more and more people came around him, Castle prepared himself for a fight, despite being highly outnumbered by the mobsters, all of whom were armed although they claimed to want him alive, shooting Castle in the neck with a dart gun. However, Castle accused Daredevil of treating the city like a playground where criminals should be treated like mere bullies, arguing that his method was more effective. The two of them got home once Bendix calmed down. Castle then took a baton and smacked the officers until they were defeated. But if he don't remember us, who would it be?Frank Castle and Curtis Hoyle. The pair then sat down to look at his family's murder case to find new evidence. The Punisher: Created by Steve Lightfoot. A man emerged with a SIG pistol and shoot at him then retreated, as Castle returned fire with his H&K 416 rifle. Punisher nukes the moon, killing all the heroes and villians that were there (even the ones that should be able to survive such a blast). With Billy Russo finally dead, the Punisher and Amy Bendix had gone to finish their conflict, as they went into the Schultz Mansion, as the Punisher allowed Bendix to go there alone to confront the Schultzes, while John Pilgrim had gone to rescue both of his sons. The city's yours for the taking. Once Russo had finished the gauntlet, it was then Castle's turn as he then endured the punishment of being beaten by his fellow Marines, while being thrown into the freezing mud, eventually making it all the way through and being rewarded with cheers from all the fellow men. Having made an arrangement with Billy Russo, Castle and Micro had gone to the location and awaited the arrival of the Anvil agents, with Micro noting that they were late, although Castle insisted that they were already there and watching them from afar. Before the fight could continue, Ringo then violently grabbed Johnny and smashed his head onto the bar, before then threatening to drag Castle out with him if he did not walk away. Staying true to his word, Castle headed out into Central Park, having donned his Skull Vest and armed himself with multiple weapons for his showdown with Billy Russo. Towards the end of the story, however, it is revealed that cannibal Spider-Man isn't really that bad of a guy. Henderson revealed why he filmed the execution of Ahmad Zubair and discovered that Morty Bennett supervised the operation. She won't know the difference.Amy Bendix and Frank Castle. Your way's bullshit, Red, it doesn't work, I need him, I need him gone, it's gotta be permanent, it's gotta be finished!Daredevil and Punisher. Castle then walked back to his car, took Schultz out, and brought him inside. In the chaos, Russo was able to shoot Hoyle in the shoulder as they both vanished from Castle's view, although Castle still kept his close watch on the window which Russo was hiding under and shot at his knife when Russo had wanted to check if Castle was still out there. Castle returned to the RV the next morning and saw two cars there.