All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries. Then WW2 kicked off Poland-Romania did not accept the ultimatum, the Germany player was kind of angry about it but in a civilised manner. open.spotify. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. As for the Free French military, the situation is even more unpredictable than with Vichy France.While Vichy France will usually retain control of at least a portion . Note: This is ONLY to be used to report spam, advertising, and problematic (harassment, fighting, or rude) posts. Interestingly, the way these decisions are coded make it entirely possible for a Fascist France to intervene on the side of Republican Spain and also drag the Axis in. My friend is playing as Germany and struggles to attack countries like Czech, Switzerland or Netherlands, because they always join the Allies as soon as he declares them. France has 74 divisions in 1936, but many of those are colonial divisions with only six infantry battalions, and their armored divisions are basically brigades: France relies on the heavy fortifications at the border to Germany, the Maginot Line to defend them. any ways to increase the likelyhood of this happening? While still a major industrialized country, France has been left behind in terms of concentration of production capabilities. Build super heavy tanks and artillery and just blitz thru the magnoit early so England doesnt get involved. I forgot to say that I got parts of Slovakia and did not want to deal with resistance and released a puppet czeslovakia which later became independent and there was a czeslovakia in southern slovakia. The UK is holding Egypt. The main problem with forming the EU as France is the inability to annex Belgium, Netherlands, and Luxembourg but this can be worked around by going down the French Entente line in the focus tree. on Paradox technology, Legal Their children go hungry and even though [Root.GetCommunistParty] are urging them to continue the strike, they do not possess the resources to continue. If you like it, I would very much appreciate if you'd follow me on Spotify. . Note that I said this behavior is specific to the leader of the Allies or its inherited faction, and not UK in particular. Interactive corporate website. Our plan to stop the Little Entente alliance from falling apart and away from us is making progress. As recent events in Paris had an impact on most of us, it is more important than ever that we come together as a nation. The HOI4 Adoriasim SIG is a meta group aiming to create a hoi4 mod out of Adoria with its extensive in sim and pre-sim lore. He became a senior analyst at age 26 at Alfa-Bank, Russia's largest private bank, before a brief spell getting his master's of finance at the University of London. Albania Austria Belgium Bulgaria Czechoslovakia Denmark Estonia Finland France Free France Vichy France German Reich Kingdom of Greece Kingdom of Hungary Ireland Italy Latvia Lithuania Luxembourg Netherlands Norway Poland Portugal Nationalist Spain Republican Spain Romania Slovakia Soviet Union Sweden Switzerland Turkey Republic of Ukraine United Kingdom Yugoslavia, Dominion of Canada Costa Rica Cuba Dominican Republic El Salvador Guatemala Haiti Honduras Mexico Nicaragua Panama United States, Argentina Bolivia Brazil Chile Colombia Ecuador Paraguay Peru Uruguay Venezuela, Afghanistan Bhutan British Malaya British Raj China Communist China Dutch East Indies Guangxi Clique Iran Iraq Japan Manchukuo Mengkukuo Mongolia Nepal Oman Philippines Saudi Arabia Shanxi Siam Sinkiang Tannu Tuva Tibet Xibei San Ma Yemen Yunnan, Angola Sultanate of Aussa Botswana Kingdom of Egypt Ethiopia Liberia South Africa, Australia Melanesian Federation New Zealand Tahiti. Similarly, France can act differently in response to German demands for Sudetenland than the UK; if the UK agrees to let Germany have the Sudetenland, the French can either agree with the UK, which will also cancel their guarantee on Yugoslavia, or refuse to go along with the UK and form a faction with Czechoslovakia. Nationalist Spain. It became a three way front, Allies attacking Germany and soviet union, Italy does not join the axis. Having fortified the border gives France the opportunity to plan and prepare carefully, but it does sacrifice some flexibility in the event of something unexpected. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. France is dominated by flat, arable land in the Northwest and forest and highland in the center. As France, complete the "Little Entente" National Focus, and have all German cores owned by you or someone in your faction. This Franco-British Union will continue the fight against the Germans until victory is achieved. If you're playing Germany, you can kill fascist countries without any interference from the Allies or Comintern thoughonce world tension is too high, just kill Italy and Spain, and start raising fascist support in other target countries. This is offset by a major penalty to doctrine research, making it extremely time-consuming to develop proper doctrines. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Also Hiter is back in charge of The Fourth Reich and re-anshlussed Austria for some reason via the focus. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. To the south lies the Pyrenees mountains which separate France from Spain. An alternative (albeit untested) way to form the EU is to allow Hungary to become a major power and then occupy and hold the territories needed before the peace deal. Tonjoin the allies youd go full democratic. If they opt to encourage non-interference, success will give them a stability boost. But that also depends on world tension and the situation of the game. If Germany goes down it's historic tree, France can opt to mobilize in response to the remilitarization of the Rhineland (taking this decision has a steep cost in political power and stability; note that they can only object if Germany completes the Focus Rhineland; if Germany remilitarizes the Rhineland by going to war, France cannot object). France is a major power in 1936, one of the winners of the Great War, and in control of a globe-spanning empire. French political parties are increasingly calling for the establishment of a provisional government and a general election. These are the Military Staff candidates for appointment in France. Since Free France can only be created by having France be allied with the United Kingdom and is a government-in-exile hosted by the UK, it will remain in the Allies.. Military [edit | edit source]. Good. Once created, Vichy France will find itself in control of southern Metropolitan France as well as most of France's colonial empire. France can form the European Union if Democratic, and if they have , can also form the Kingdom of Franco-Spain if they go Legitimist and Spain also goes Carlist (on historical, the Carlists will almost never spawn if the player is not in charge of Spain and will only spawn on historical if Franco does not secure the North in time; unlike with Spain, France can form the Kingdom of Franco-Spain even if Spain has a different king) - if Spain was to obtain any other cores, France would also gain said cores (Gibraltar if the UK decolonizes or Spain forms Iberia, and any Portuguese cores gained by Spain as a result of forming Iberia - this can include Brazil, Angola, and Mozambique if Portugal was able to core those territories). Workers backed by [Root.GetCommunistParty] have organized and are demanding better conditions, such as higher wages and shorter work weeks. This page was last edited on 28 February 2023, at 15:45. Tho if they hate you they'll be eager instead. At world tension above 50% you can expect any nation you attack to always seek to join a faction of the same ideology OR willing to go at war with you, if one exists. The French government has asked for an armistice, and our diplomats have prepared terms which they have agreed to. Try to annex all coastal states as the Allies will not annex any states that they cannot reach. Paris has fallen into German hands, and it is only a matter of time before the rest of the country is occupied. After our defeat we are really in no condition to contest it. WW2 started over a French civil war. On April 1st, 1937, with WT at 28%, well below the 50% threshold for them to autojoin the allies and almost 7 months before they could join by focusthey out of nowhere join the allies, dragging the UK into my war. A place to share content, ask questions and/or talk about the grand strategy game Hearts of Iron IV by Paradox Development Studio. This page was last edited on 31 July 2022, at 13:58. France is quite possibly the best candidate to form the European Union as if staying democratic, it can expect to end up in a defensive war against both Germany and Italy, allowing both countries to be annexed in a single peace treaty. You can always invade them anyway later, I like to take out Nationalist Spain as Italy right after the civil war sometimes, because nobody protects them. Thinking their chances poor regardless, Germany gambled on a decisive victory by sending Panzer divisions through Luxembourg and the Ardennes' forested hills, terrain which the French supreme commander Gamelin thought unable to sustain tank movements. Examples of alternative division template names for France include: France has 1 Carrier(CV), 5 Battleships(BB), 7 Heavy Cruisers(CA), 7 Light Cruisers(CL), 52 Destroyers(DD) and 63 Submarines(SS) at the start, and boasts a somewhat modern - if badly understrength - fleet. So I embarked on a five year mission of destroying every allied nation. The most straightforward approach would be to first neutralize Italy by launching naval invasions to encircle and destroy their troops before marching on Rome. This thread is archived . 'Our request to join Britain as Allies has been accepted. An armistice with Germany at this point is inevitable. Francoist Spain, or Nationalist Spain, is an authoritarian regime that came to power in 1939, historically after beating Republican Spain in the Spanish Civil War. A place to share content, ask questions and/or talk about the grand strategy game Hearts of Iron IV by Paradox Development Studio. Together we will be a shining beacon of liberty in a world encroached by the darkness of oppression! For the first step, in forming the super Kingdom of Franco-Spain, you must put on non-historical focuses, and restart saves until Portugal does its focus Estado Novo. Information, Frequently Asked On capitulation if the following triggers are met: Gain control of state if owned by a nation which originates from, State is owned by a nation which originates from, If Midi Pyrenees (31) is owned by a country originating from, Grants control and ownership of the state to a random country originating from, Gains control of following states if they're owned, Gains control of the following states if they're owned by a nation which originates from, Sets the capital state to Ile de France (26), Changes the player-led country to this from, If Pyrnes-Atlantiques (806) is owned by a country originating from. #hoi4 #Heartsofiron4 If Japan decides to join the allies instead - Hoi4 TImelapse 3,376 views Mar 2, 2022 98 Dislike Share ManiaGin 2.17K subscribers Ai makes some weird decisions that i. With the end of the war, the need to maintain a close union with the French nation is also passing. In a few weeks, Japan will declare war on the Philippines and I will be dragged into the war in Asia. Charles de Gaulle delivered a radio broadcast urging resistance against the collaborationist Vichy regime. Using his extensive powers, Ptain effectively abolished the Third French Republic and replaced it with the "French State" (French: tat Franais) or the "French Nation (French: Nation Franais)colloquially known as Vichy France (French: Rgime de Vichy)a unitary authoritarian dictatorship. 'Our request to join Britain as Allies has been denied. Japanese forces are positioned along the borders of our colony in Indochina, and they are demanding total access to our bases and facilities! Do we give in to their demands or stand firm and risk a countrywide strike? ". Faction: Neutral. 1.4K. Most workers have now realized that their unreasonable demands will not be met. Diplomacy [edit | edit source]. Many of these designs are clearly aimed against an anti-surface role, prioritizing fast, lightly-armored ships with minimal ASW capability and strong scouting capabilities. France borders Belgium to the north, with the Ardenne forest making natural bulwark. If you want to avoid fighting England it's probably easier just to support a fascist coup in London. The forces of Germany were able to quickly overrun northern France, capturing Paris without a fight. Vichy France is created through an event chain which will start if France is in a faction with United Kingdom, at war with Germany and Germany controls the state of Ile de France (16). If the capital is in neither of the states Ile de France (16) or New Caledonia (635) and is controlling New Caledonia (635): Changes the capital state to New Caledonia (635), Creates a dynamic country originating from. The Vichy regime would remain in place from its inception in 1940 to 1944, during which it attempted to carry out a series of social/societal transformation programs named the "National Revolution" and "National Regeneration". If Poland chooses to go Democratic, it has the choice to join the Allies or form a new faction with France. But then the turkey player kicked Greece out of faction so the does not end. The British government has dismissed any possibility of merging our two nations into one. As Fascist France or Vichy France, occupy all of Great Britain. Questions, Paradox As with her tanks, France begins the game with modern naval technology, such as 1936 BB, DD and SS techs and two unique designs: La Fantasque, a destroyer model with tier 3 (1940) engines, and the Surcouf Class submarine with 3 custom slots. After the crushing and humiliating defeat, Germany and Italy annexed territories of eastern France (equivalent to the states of Alsace-Lorraine, Nord-Pas-de-Calais, Savoy, Nice and Corsica in-game) while the rest of metropolitan France was placed under the jurisdiction of Vichy France, a German client state led by Marshal Philippe Ptain with its de facto capital in the French town of Vichy. The Panzers then drovewithout waiting for infantry to secure their supply linesthrough France to the English Channel, surrounding the bulk of the Allied forces which had been sent to Belgium's border with Germany aiming to deny them room for mobile warfare and overconfident that their main thrust would be through Belgium as in WWI's Schlieffen Plan. World tension is too high or the allies have guaranteed the independence of the countries ur friend declared on, so the allies join the war and by extension invite the minors to their faction. on Paradox technology, Legal By selecting this Design Company it will permanently affect capabilities on all equipment researched while they are hired. Communists and far-right extremist leagues are always ready to resort to violence to advance their political cause. Messages 2.247; Alternatively, if France is Democratic and aligned with the UK (the UK can be any ideology), they can instead propose joining the two countries in the Franco-British Union - this decision will end the game for the French Player if the UK accepts, but in return, the British player will gain all existing French cores (this can include any gained through other methods), all French Units, Ships, Generals, Admirals, and equipment; while the Union can remain afterwards if the British player opts not to let France go independent when the Union is at peace, they will lose all French cores and generals/admirals if they choose to do so. Press J to jump to the feed. Interactive corporate website, 3 provinces in the state Nord-Pas-de-Calais (29). Ruling party is Democratic, Has completed focus Integralism This is a list of all France's events (from /Hearts of Iron IV/events/France.txt). The UK and France will start guaranteeing independence at WT 25%. When formed, Vichy France will inherit all technology previously researched by France. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. However, Yugoslavia is one of the three pillars on which the Eastern European settlement is built. If it weakens then France's security will suffer. Send Tank Volunteers to Republican Spain, and use them to secure the ports in Asturias; delay for as long as possible (if Nationalist Spain does either a Methodical Approach or Caudillo of Spain after Martyrdom for Primo de Riveria instead of Consolidate the North, you're on the right track). However, this has made it difficult for companies to find skilled workers, and the military finds it hard to compete with the labor market for recruits. Barbarossa has not kicked off yet. Note that generic names are not listed. Went and took out british Raj next to free up my eastrn allies.