However, many patients want to be protected from having information that is too detailed or threatening. There is still a requirement within EMDR to talk about the trauma the person has experienced. They talk with people about their lives and help them find a way to move forward with their difficulties. We can take small steps to improve our mental well-being. An integrative approach helps her to personalise therapy and to tackle the often difficult symptoms associated with trauma. This study will use a randomized multiple baseline single-case experimental design, meaning that participants will be randomly allocated to a baseline of two, three or four weeks and then will begin eight weeks of Connection to Environment Cognitive Therapy (CONNECT). Our physical and mental health are closely related to each other. Assessment and engagement (sessions 1-3) Early phases of intervention will focus on psych-education/normalization of voice-hearing and dissociative phenomena, and intervention strategies targeting dissociation. This is a 5-item scale with questions on voice frequency, distress and control. Promote equality, diversity, fairness and transparency in all our work. If interested in taking part, the GPTS clinician will (with the individual's consent) pass on contact information to the main researcher, who will contact participants to arrange an information sharing appointment. Previous case series of a similar nature have included between nine and ten participants however participants in these studies did not have as much outcome data as the current study. The field supervisor has noted this to be feasible within the GPTS. This consists of one question about dissociation "how much has dissociation been a problem today?" The GTPS can provide access to this phase 1 psychoeducational group following assessment, through NHSGGC Glasgow Psychological Therapies Groups Service. I work Monday to Thursday. - CONNECT therapy will lead to increased perceived movement towards goals. Our psychologists provide support for adults, young people and children from age 5 years. They do not smell pleasant, but are preferable to leaving a person in a flashback). Glasgow Coma Scale. They will have previous work experience where relating to other people has been a central part of their role, have excellent communication skills, an understanding of the needs and difficulties of people with mental health problems and an ability to apply existing psychological knowledge to a mental health context. Below is a summary of some strategies you can use to help manage your symptoms of CPTSD, particularly when you notice that your mind is going back to difficult memories or if you are becoming worried about the future. Attachment-informed EMDR. We are a small team of psychologists and counsellors who offer a comprehensive range of psychological services from our clinic in Central Glasgow. At the GTPS we consider the difficulties and needs a person is presenting with currently and the impact of their experiences, rather than the extent of trauma experiences that the person has been subjected to in the past, when we are making decisions about whose needs match our service. Daytime and Evening appointments available. The brand names, logos, images and texts are the property of these third parties and their respective owners. For a full description of essential criteria, please refer to the job description. cannot be held responsible or liable for the accuracy, correctness, usefulness or reliability of the data. This will be assessed using four items integrated in the PSYRATS interview administered and the self-reported therapy goals generated through the initial assessment in the GPTS. Phase two of treatment, also called reprocessing involves talking in detail about the individuals traumatic experiences. Use a holistic, ecological approach to understand individual need. If we are sleeping badly, eating poorly, and staying inactive, it can mean we have much less energy and focus for doing the things that might help our recovery from trauma. Things to Touch soft toys, pebbles, pinecones, stress balls, a soft blanket, cuddle your pet, splash water over your hands or face. However, some peoples symptom may endure and start to cause significant difficulties in their everyday life. Other symptoms include jumpiness, feeling irritable and difficulties sleeping. Here, the study will be discussed in full with reference to the information sheet and any questions will be answered at this point. People who experience abuse in what is meant to be a caring relationship can often feel that it is their fault and think badly about themselves. The coherence of speech also provides important clues. This happens through: learning new psychological skills to reduce the impact of difficult emotions and cognitions so they no longer push people around, hold them back or get in the way of their life goals; clarifying the persons values (how they want to treat themselves, others and the world around them) and use these to guide their actions and enhance their life; and focus attention on what is important to be able to fully engage in whatever activity they chose to do. We are set up as a Public Social Partnership (PSP), working closely with our colleagues in health, social care and the third sector. It is hypothesised that reduced levels of dissociation . "Voices occurring at least once a day") on the frequency item of the Psychotic Symptom Rating Scale (PSYRATS). Elaine is a qualified integrative counsellor registered with the British Association for Counsellors and Psychotherapists (BACP). You can review this Business and help others by leaving a comment. Overall the Glasgow Psychological Trauma Service staff do not believe destitution should form part of the asylum process. Written evidence submitted by Greater Glasgow and Clyde NHS Glasgow Psychological Trauma Service (GPTS) (MSA0107). The Psychological Service promotes inclusion of all children and young people to maximise their potential for learning and to enhance their social and emotional wellbeing. This is a confidential telephone line where you can talk to someone about the things you are finding difficult. We also work with and for children where there are barriers to learning that may arise from a range of factors including disabilities, health needs, family circumstances, the learning environment and social and emotional factors. Dissemination plans will be discussed with participants who will receive a summary of the results upon completion. Psychological trauma can leave you struggling with upsetting emotions, memories, and anxiety that won't go away. The telephone number for Breathing Space is 0800 83 85 87. Provide the Trauma Counselling Line Scotland for anyone aged 16 or over living in Scotland, who has experienced abuse in their childhood and (any one of these): is from a minority ethnic community. Our current services are preventative and purposeful in nature and increase the . They are not a substitute for individual psychological intervention but may help you to have a better understanding of your difficulties and to learn some useful skills for coping with how you feel. new NHS Scotland 3.7 Glasgow G51 19,609 - 21,615 a year Part-time + 1 The first video focuses more on information about Complex PTSD. The researcher will be blind to the baseline allocation until the point of consent and screening, when the researcher will open a sealed envelope to reveal this. G21 PJ, Copyright Glasgow Psychological Services. They may feel like the trauma is happening again and experience the same sensations and distress as they did the first time. Breathing Space uses the interpretation service, Language Line, to support callers who cannot, or prefer not to, speak English. The Global Mental Health programme of the University of Glasgow is designed to produce graduates who can take charge of mental health service provision at a global level, helping them develop the knowledge to integrate initiatives into the wider aims of international development, and address global inequities. Open and close communication between the main researcher, the field supervisor and the wider team will be important to manage any ethical issues that may arise. Safety and stabilisation can be delivered individually or in a group. Job reference: 068582 Location: NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde Job closing date: 28/09/2021 Job posted date: 14/09/2021 Salary: Band 4 (23,709 - 25,982) Job Type: Other Therapeutic Employment type: Various Contract Options Voices will also be measured using a session measure as used in previous studies (Varese et al., 2012). Art Psychotherapy is a psychological intervention which facilitates expression through art within a safe and containing relationship with an Art Psychotherapist. Ability to work with children and teenagers preferred. Phase two may also consider a persons identity and how the traumatic experiences have impacted this. Our early experiences of care can often affect how we feel about ourselves and impact on the relationships we form with other people. Treatment recommendations will be offered based on expert clinician assessment. Things to Hear listen to noises around you (how many different noises can you hear?) Follow-up data will be gathered one month after therapy. The government website Clear Your Head has helpful tips for looking after yourself when you feel stressed. This model recommends that, in the first phase, treatment aims to create a sense of safety, security and emotional stability by improving sleep, emotional regulation, mood and understanding about the impact of trauma through psycho-educational materials. The GPTS currently offers Safety and Stabilisation groups. Academic contact: Teaching start: September MSc: 12 months full-time; 24 months parttime Apply now Why this programme Programme structure Career prospects Fees & funding Entry requirements How to apply For information on our online Global Mental Health programme, please see: Global Mental Health Postgraduate events Service user preferences and needs are taken into account when planning treatment. The intervention will focus on learning strategies to manage dissociation. This includes seven questions relating to dissociative experiences in the past week, with answers ranging from 0% (never) to 100% (always). Voices: Hearing a voice/voices for a minimum of six months. These staff members have a background in mental health and are trained in psychological therapies to help people understand and deal with their mental health. These are called grounding strategies and they allow you to feel calmer by helping your mind to connect to the present moment, by focusing on something around you, using one or all of your senses. This will be done by delivering an eight session intervention called 'CONNECT' to six individuals within the Glasgow Psychological Trauma Service (GPTS) who hear voices, have experienced trauma and are dissociating. Psychologist with experience of working with clients with ADHD and ASD required to join our busy practice in the centre of Glasgow as a part time associate. Changes in voices will be measured using the Voice Hearing subscale of the Psychotic Symptom Rating Scale (PSYRATS; Haddock et al, 1999). Most people have told us that they find the videos helpful. We also have enhanced psychological practitioners (EPP), enhances psychological practitioner trainees and assistant psychologists in our team. The field supervisor from the GPTS, Dr Kirsten Atherton, will be involved in this decision-making process and may also attend the appointment. We provide flexible hours and an office in the centre of Glasgow. For someone to meet the criteria for GTPS the CPTSD symptoms they experience, will have a significant impact on their functioning across different areas of their lives. (JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address). Throughout this site you will find many helpful resources and tips. 7Fisher, C, Goldsmith A, Hurcombe R, Soares C ( 2017) The impacts of child sexual abuse:A rapid evidence assessment IICSA There are specific trauma services which support refugees based in Glasgow, such as Glasgow Psychological Trauma Service and specialist services for survivors of torture, such as Freedom From Torture. . In many cases, traumatic events can impact on relationships with others. Please note, we do not accept self-referrals. Occasionally, people can find parts of the videos upsetting as they remember distressing events from the past. We also deliver Compassion-focused Therapy (CFT); Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT); and Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT). The process of creating art in therapy can allow a person to work through the trauma with the therapist. Language Line is private, confidential and free to use. Also, because individuals are compared against their own baseline scores, a smaller sample can be recruited and participants do not need to be matched by age, education or other variables to have a comparable control group, like in a RCT. At seventeen she's already lost more than most people do in a lifetime. The referral criteria for GPTS service is: Please note, the GPTS is not an emergency service. Phase two may also be referred to as remembering and mourning, and can also include a focus on recognising loss and learning from early experiences, as well as understanding and making meaning from those experiences. You can call them at anytime on 116 123. Potential participants will come into the study via and following their routine assessment pathway within the GPTS. Assistant Psychologist - Glasgow Psychological Trauma Service The closing date for this job has now passed. 2 participants will be randomly allocated to a baseline of 3 weeks before commencing CONNECT intervention. Often these needs are best met within primary or secondary care teams. Glasgow Association for Mental Health. It will be worth contacting your health and social care partnership, when you are planning how you will assist the families you have supported . For general information, Learn About Clinical Studies. You can also email The Samaritans though they may take up to 24 hours to reply to emails. The Glasgow Psychological Trauma Service (GTPS) accepts referrals from GPs, Mental Health Teams, Social Workers, Community Addiction Teams and Third Sector Organisations. (Clinical Trial). Tell the advisor that you need an interpreter, Tell the advisor the name of your preferred language. Below are links to two videos about coping with impact of trauma. Other people may not require a phase-based approach and can proceed quickly to processing trauma memories. We offer a range of different assessment and treatment options for CPTSD. We provide flexible hours and an office in the centre of Glasgow. Our therapy expertise involves using a range of therapy approaches such as: We mainly specialise in EMDR - Eye Movement Desensitisation Reprocessing. The treatment plan is tailored to an individuals needs. 2023 All Rights reserved. As per SCED methodology, the participants in this study will serve as their own baseline. All participants will receive treatment and outcomes during treatment period will be compared to a randomized baseline period of two, three or four weeks (2 participant in each baseline arm). Occupational Therapy provides practical support to empower people to recover and overcome barriers preventing them from doing activities that matter to them. Some people report that experiencing one traumatic event after another can make them feel powerless and helpless and there is no point trying to get help because there is nothing they can do. Background. We will randomize participants to baseline periods of either two, three, or four weeks before the intervention begins. difficulties understanding and having ways to regulate emotions). PMID: Abilities are scored from three to 15 in the Glasgow Coma Scale. Are the services on offer evidence-based therapies? The basic building blocks of health: sleep, a balanced diet, and gentle exercise are very important when recovering from traumatic events. Part-time working hours may be available/ considered. Many Type 2 traumas can be interpersonal in nature. Email . The Glasgow Psychological Trauma Service has a range of different health professionals who work together to contribute their different skills and experience. This approach is common in early stage studies when exploring whether an intervention creates therapeutic change, typically by applying multiple measures to investigate the constructs of interest. The variables of interest will be monitored and compared within-participants between and within baseline and intervention phases. with answers ranging from 0% (never) to 100% (always). Flexible, toolbox approach including but not limited to grounding strategies using objects, therapy oils and naming objects in the room.