I am with someone now and he is lovely. to NOT have to make this decision. The situation was messy and It all feels like a blur now. Its something I think about every day. I was shocked. Reading this story and the comments gave me some of the comfort I needed. You definitely should keep it! I dont feel like he was there for me as he should. My boyfriend was with me when I took the test. And wham, I unexpectedly end up pregnant, at 41. My arms ache for you. No matter how he was conceived this baby wasnt a mistake not to me. A 33-year-old mother of three from central Texas is escorted down the hall by a clinic administrator prior to getting an abortion, at Hope Medical Group for Women in Shreveport, La., in late 2021. Im not pregnant. I went into the first floor bathroom and peed on that little white-tipped stick. I was not ready although Im 24 years old. I want you to know, I understand. I was literally petrified and afraid that no matter what I tried to do, what if I couldnt get it all in order before my baby got here? My first pregnancy ended the relationship because I betrayed him, although he would never step down from his responsibilities , and thats how he made me feel. We were in this sad nightmare together, weren't we? You have a child. I moved to another state, finished my undergrad (with a newborn) in teaching and even completed grad school also in teaching (with a toddler at the time). It also makes me proud to know that I was conceived out of love. We have been having the same unprotected sex as we were while still together. I am so sad that I will never meet that child, but I also know that it would have been less than what we all deserved. It is sad to see children God has made being murdered. I dont want to lose you. I was 5 weeks when I decided to let my baby go, I miss her everyday . Jocelyn Miller is a Montessori teacher in San Francisco who spends her weekdays supporting the growth, development, and independence of young children. locating a private donor and/ or coparent online Please give me some advice Im so lost right now. Im only 21 and Im not financially free. All I wanted to do was feel your skin and smell you. Im so confused and torn between getting an abortion or keeping the baby. Im so torn and feel so alone. In South Africa, 85 000 abortions were induced in the year 2010 according to abort97.co.za. I PRAY my baby forgives me for being weak And she comes back to me. My boyfriend has two children ages 18 and 13. I am a teacher and take care of infants to two year olds, Im devastated because in a better situation I would have kept this child. When I first found out I initially was a bit upset but over a few days I grew very attached. I had one almost six years ago and I still cry about it. I wanted to be your special child. Have always used protection. I feel like a failure for being the one who could not be seen as a wonderful choice to raise a baby with. I know my mum will be so happy and that breaks my heart because I have to see the joy I could have given and shared with my mum but being shared with my sister and it hurts so much. It means so much to see it spoken by another. I knew she hurt for me too. All of this is to saymom, you have a child, it's me. I couldnt face a potential miscarriage, still birth or birth defects and my doctors had no guidance for me and what I was dealing with regarding my health. X. Whats crazy is this exact story is mines (not in reality but figuratively) I literally did everything she did, said everything she said. I got an abortion two years ago and while I know it was the right decision it is something I still mourn, that was my first and my only as well and this article HITS HOME. I know I made the right decision, but seeing him with his kids now breaks my heart bc he didnt want the one with me right now. Do NOT submit poems here, instead go to the. Chapter Headings: I can hear your voice I feel manipulated and trapped. Its not being selfish if you think about it deeper. And when that day comes, well both be ready. Iv never felt worse in my whole life. I cry also. Best of luck xx, I had an abortion when I was too young to provide a child with the life it deserved. Walgreens confirmed on March 2 that it will not distribute abortion pills in numerous statesincluding to some states where abortion is legalafter Republican attorneys general (AG) in 21 states told the company that it risked breaking federal law should it do so, Politico first reported.. Walgreens, the second-largest pharmacy chain in the United States, made the decision after receiving . I have three healthy children 21,17 and 13 from a previous marriage. I just found out I am pregnant at 42. I was a 19 year old college student with absolutely no plans to marry or have kids at that point. It all means the same thing. But I already feel connected and cry so hard every time I think of letting it go. Anyway, Im still mourning and will never forget till the day I die. I had an abortion past the point of having the pill so had to have the surgery, It was the most painful time of my life physically and emotionally and I never expected it would continue to haunt me. I wish I could have kept you, but I know our lives wouldnt have been what you deserve. My parents were very poor but devout Catholics, so abortion was not a legal or moral option for them for any. Thank you for writing this. I regret my decision so much and cannot put it into words. You are making the best decision for yourself at this point in time , I feel like I can relate and that give me a lil strength. Xx, I found out I was pregnant on this day a year ago and like you I was scared. Diary of an Unborn Child is the title of an anonymously-written anti-abortion article which was first read on the floor of the New York Senate in 1970. Im up and down about it all. That, and I literally broke up with him two days prior. Dont panic, I thought. There was also this paranoia about who the dad was. We want to expand our family but we werent expecting to do it so soon. From a mother's letter to her aborted child: "It's been a decade and still my blood runs cold and I catch my breath whenever I hear the word " abortion." Space there is an emptiness inside of me that can never be filled, a chill that has never quite been warned, a grief that will Continue reading "A Mother's Letter to Her Aborted Baby" Its killing me and Im crying every night. But the six-week deadline contrasts starkly with early American abortion law, where the procedure was legal until "quickening"the first time a mother feels the baby kick, which can happen . I have never cried to hard in my life. WASHINGTON The Biden administration on Monday told hospitals that they "must" provide abortion services if the life of the mother is at risk, saying federal law on emergency treatment. For My Mommy (the cry of an unborn child) Thank you so much for writing posting this just hope and pray that one day I will get a chance to be a mom again. By Ronald Doe. I cry. And I think I would have either way I would have decided so why am I finding it so hard to accept and move on. Keep the faith, you are not alone . And it bothers me that my husbands doesnt realize the pain Im going through. The mother and daughter "were so . I love him so much it hurts I cant imagine my life without him, he filled a hole I didnt know I had. So afraid. I am 31 and had an abortion in November last year at 10 weeks pregnant, which was later than I thought too. Constant regret and pain . Like you, I could not have made a life for my baby at that time. Share Your Story Here. I did an abortion 10 years ago and never disclosed to my them boyfriend who is now my husband. After I had the abortion I desperately wanted that the doctor made a mistake and month after month I wished to be pregnant. He now know about it and wants to end our marriage of 4 years. According to a webpage shared online by Crump, she has raised over $30,000 by Friday morning and will seek abortion care in North Carolina. I feel so alone, I have to carry this burden every day. You can also sign up as Sugar . But deep down I know I might regret it if I abort it. It is a very hard decision to make thinking about having our fist baby but I have no choice. We talked all weekend, tried finding ways to make it work but we both knew it wasnt the time because of so many factors, the big ones being my health and finances. It hurt because I was all alone in it,the thought of it break my heart into million pieces Ive prayed to God to forgive me but still I cant get over it. I know my future would never have turned out as well as it had, had I not had the abortion :). My husband is dead set against it and Im not sure what to do. She and her boyfriend are claiming that, if they could go back in time, they would have kept it. A month ago i started feeling sick and tired. This was with the same toxic individual that I got pregnant the first time with . I am so sorry you had to go through this. Baby. I was one l with you. Truth is, I have no job, I am back in school with one child taken care of by my parents, I cannot bring another right now and of I did this new opportunity would go away. If there is a heart beat I really dont feel I can abort but Im afraid the stress he will give me will cause me to miscarry anyway. I was 5 weeks pregnant. I believe that ultimately, our babies are still with us in a spirit. I dont regret it but I do have feeling about what if. The month before was the most emotionally and physically exhausting of my life. purchasing sperm from a donor, via a cryobank Your dad offers to drive me, but I want to listen to music on my headphones. Its been 3 months since my abortion. Participate in the campaign: "All AGAINST ABORTION!" Thank you for this. Thank you so much for sharing this. Then after that we took a break and he broke up with me on the day I got abortion and said that hes moved to a different state and didnt think he wanted to come back home. Since I found out I was pregnant my life has been a living hell my husband immediately voiced we couldnt handle this right now, and though I was emotional about it at first, I knew he was right. What if I still had no money, no stable place to live? It has the potential to work, but like you said, doesnt make sense no matter how hard you look at it. He keeps trying to make me have the child and give my child full custody and I feel like he wants to rob me because I cant afford to have a child of my own. My sister just found out she is pregnant and I congratulated her on the phone. I miss my baby every day. But i wanted to say thank-you because your post was something i came across before i went in for my abortion and it brought me to tears. This experience has done extraordinary things to me so far i have softened and really felt into my feminine. Having an abortion allowed me to live my life and fulfil my dreams but I did become depressed over it and the stigma of having one can be really hurt you. Like you, I was afraid and let fear took over my life. If you can handle a child, have it. On the way to the apartment he called and asked if I was hungry. Our relationship has been a roller coaster from start to now. I go to sleep the same way I have every night since I found out about you: heartbroken and tearful. Hi. If anyone has any advice, please send it my way. It breaks my heart everyday because I didnt really want to get rid of my baby I loved her ( felt she was a girl ), had a name picked out, went to multiple scans ( still got pictures ) .Today is a year since my surgery and I grieve her everyday I regret it . As the embryo grows I am constantly conflicted. How do you know? I pull out the test and show him the two pink lines. And make you scream and shout, Use "He" or "She" When Talking about Her Baby. I cried every day leading up to me making a decision, and I set the appointment for the very next day after I decided so that I would not have much time to change my mind. Thank you for this. Its so unfair that guys help in making the baby. I cried so bad in the clinic and during the procedure that I still have nightmares and flashbacks often. These letters are an appeal to all who read them to choose life. Ive been her best friend for 6 years and I never saw this coming. I was able to get another teaching job back in our home state, and have been teaching for years. I cant quit my job, but I cant afford 2 in daycare either. I was heavily against murder but I know its for the best. I feel I would regret it everyday for the rest of my life. Unfortunately my health started to take a turn for the worse. Colorado. Your dad is an alcoholic. He is the reason why I feel so motivated now, and although its not easy I wouldnt trade him for anything in the world. I didnt want to do this. I was accepted into a Masters program the day before. I dont understand how someone who has children already, can be so selfish and cold hearted. Exactly a month later I find out Im pregnant again. The emotions you displayed in this article made me cry because it is exactly how I feel. I know one day when everything is settled down and fine she/he will come again and Ill be more prepared. I love him he doesnt exactly feel the same, as per the way our relationship has gone these last few Years which caused it to end. Making an impassioned plea to her mother to not abort her, she shares her hopes and fears with the woman who can control whether she lives or dies. is! So not really any adult guidance, or access to the financial resources parents often avail their young-adult children. Labor would begin, usually within 12 hours, and the baby would be expelled. Im so fearful I dont know what to do. I dont want having another baby to be detrimental to my current children and cant help think that it will be. Im in exactly the same situation as you and just dont know what to do. Me too, yesterday I found out I was 8 weeks pregnant and my boyfriend also doesnt want to keep it. People will yawn when they are bored of you. My periods had always been very irregular and I had taken over the counter tests when it got late but I got negatives the both times so I was certain I wasnt pregnant. If my partner would of came to me and said he wanted to keep this baby I would have and I would of felt more love for him because his courage. Because o hate that its a decision. I came from foster care and was 19 when I became pregnant. I dont blame you for choosing to terminate your pregnancy. And an angel to look after you, too. The doctor leaves and your dad and I hold each other and cry. But like you said, when i see those two pink lines again, i know it will be my baby coming back to me. All my life my dream was to have kids. Youre still with me, and Im grateful for that too. I hope she can forgive me. I felt like death every day sometimes unable to stay out longer than 2 hours outside. Its what he wants. It was hard but I dont regret it. I will terminate in 3 days. God has forgiven you and you should try and forgive yourself. I have never commented on a public post but I feel I need to do. And with this tornado in my mind, I wrapped the pee stick (that represented my fate) in toilet paper (which, I couldnt help thinking, was a pretty good metaphor for what was now my life). I feel that too I was once pregnant while I was doing matric 2016 I was confused and lonely because I did not know what to do by that time but I found myself lost then I decided to do abortion sometimes it hunt me to a point where I cant think straight but I had to forgive myself for that because I did the right choice for myself. and I have no clue what to do. I dont know if you have lived in regret or relief of your abortion before this moment, or what feelings his opinions have risen out of you now- all I know is what you decided to do with your pregnancy, whether that involved him ten years ago or not, was your decision. I didn't know you, but I loved you. Were you touched by this poem? I was 5 weeks. Im grateful I was in a position to have options and make a choice as a woman. An Ohio lawmaker proposing a near-total abortion ban was given a hypothetical: A 13-year-old girl is raped and becomes pregnant as a result. I was asked to write this poem by a friend whose niece was distraught because she was pregnant and was addicted to drugs. i know my baby will be returned to me, someday. (Sense my sarcasm, little one.) Regardless of the decision you make its a life long one so be very sure. I just found out Im pregnant after splitting with my partner and having already gone through 2 miscarriages. A group of doctors and conservative medical groups is suing to overturn the FDA's approval of mifepristone and a federal judge could rule to cut off . It has only been two years. This moved me. I had my first and only abortion 10 years ago at age 22, my partner who turned into my husband were together for only 2 months and the uncertainty left me with the choice to dissolve my pregnancy at 5 weeks. Wish I had a way to contact you personally. He is also younger than me and nowhere near ready for a child and even moving in with me makes him scared. I swallow hard several times until the pill burrows into the back of my throat like a rock. My name is John, and. I might have forgotten what I learned and failed my license exam in the future since Id have to take a leave. I'm your baby. I received my bachelors degree in adolescent counselling just last June. The place we live doesnt have space for a baby and we are only just building our savings. And I was supposedly either unable to conceive or it would be extremely difficult. Both in you, as a memory, and in heaven as a person, for eternity. How you still suffer over the very thought of it. One day you will be an amazing mum, dont doubt that! I too had an abortion a couple of days ago 1/10/20. Much love:). 'Dear Mommy' So begins the correspondence from an unborn baby to her mother. I know my baby deserves a life I couldnt of given her now or at that time and I know one day she will come back to me, I get excited when i think about meeting her finally one day when we are both ready, I wish I had support here so I could cry to someone who gets it, Im 23 and I had my abortion at 5 weeks and three days in April. Im so scared though, because Im no longer with my boyfriend I wont get to meet that baby anymore, if it happens it will be with someone else, most likely.